mathwallet / MathChain-WebWallet

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Wallet name conflicts #1

Open newnya opened 3 years ago

newnya commented 3 years ago

Hello, i want to integrate Mathwallet to my multi-cryptocurrency site. I just wonder, what happen if the user has other browser extensions that provide the same wallet?

Example: the window.tronWeb object is injected by Tronlink also. So if i have both Tronlink and Mathwallet TRX , which one will be window.tronWeb? Tronlink or Mathwallet ?

Another question: in bitcoinjs , is it possible for you to add a simple function to send Bitcoin? It should get just an array of outputs as the parameter.

For example with Liquality Chrome extension, i can do that like this:

var bitcoin = window.providerManager.getProviderFor("BTC");
await bitcoin.getMethod('chain.sendTransaction')('mkHS9ne12qx9pS9VojpwU5xtRd4T7X7ZUt',990000);


fireagainsmile commented 2 years ago

I have encountered the same issue, seems a lot of users encountered this case why no developer fix this? unbelievable

here is my case: