mathworks-ref-arch / matlab-dockerfile

Create a docker container that contains a MATLAB install
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Change id of local matlab user for permissions #124

Open arunoruto opened 1 month ago

arunoruto commented 1 month ago

I am currently implementing a small bash script, which would launch an individual Matlab instance per user via Docker. Here is my current progress, and I can launch it for all three "versions" (X11, browser, VNC):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

LICENCE="<path to licence file>"


COMMAND_PARAM="-e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro"
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
  xhost +
  case $1 in
    COMMAND_PARAM='-p 8888:8888'

    COMMAND_PARAM='-p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080'

    echo "'${1}' is not a valid flag. Please use 'browser' or 'vnc' for the respective protocoll or nothing for X11"
    exit 1

eval 'docker run --init -it --rm \
  --user ${UID}:${GID} \
  -e MLM_LICENSE_FILE="/network.lic" \
  -v ${LICENCE}:/network.lic \
  -v ${HOME}:/home/matlab/workdir \
  --shm-size=${SHM_SIZE} \

When running the script (with VNC), I get the following permission error:

/bin/ 51: cannot create //.bashrc: Permission denied

Is there a way to make these things available for any user/group ID? Or are there any security reasons for doing so? It would be nice to change the user ID inside the container without building a new image per user :)

michaelmcdonnellmw commented 1 month ago

Hi @arunoruto

Thanks for highlighting your use case for setting the UID and GID at run time in the container, this is something that we are investigating and will feed back here when we have more information on the matter