mathworks-ref-arch / matlab-dockerfile

Create a docker container that contains a MATLAB install
332 stars 96 forks source link

Toolboxes not available inside the container when connected through vnc. #55

Closed matifali closed 1 year ago

matifali commented 1 year ago

I have a custom Dockerfile where I install more toolboxes.

# Copyright 2019 - 2022 The MathWorks, Inc.

# To specify which MATLAB release to install in the container, edit the value of the MATLAB_RELEASE argument.
# Use lower case to specify the release, for example: ARG MATLAB_RELEASE=r2021b

# When you start the build stage, this Dockerfile by default uses the Ubuntu-based matlab-deps image.
# To check the available matlab-deps images, see:
FROM mathworks/matlab:${MATLAB_RELEASE}

# Declare the global argument to use at the current build stage

# Set user as root
USER root

# Install mpm dependencies
RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive && apt-get update && \
    apt-get install --no-install-recommends --yes \
    wget \
    unzip \
    ca-certificates && \
    apt-get clean && apt-get autoremove && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
    # Run mpm to install MATLAB in the target location and delete the mpm installation afterwards.
    # If mpm fails to install successfully then output the logfile to the terminal, otherwise cleanup.
    wget -q && \ 
    chmod +x mpm && \
    ./mpm install \
    --release=${MATLAB_RELEASE} \
    --destination=/opt/matlab \
    --products 5G_Toolbox \
    #AUTOSAR_Blockset \
    #Aerospace_Blockset \
    Aerospace_Toolbox \
    Antenna_Toolbox \
    Audio_Toolbox \
    Automated_Driving_Toolbox \
    Bioinformatics_Toolbox \
    Bluetooth_Toolbox \
    Communications_Toolbox \
    Computer_Vision_Toolbox \
    Control_System_Toolbox \
    Curve_Fitting_Toolbox \
    #DDS_Blockset \
    #DO_Qualification_Kit \
    DSP_HDL_Toolbox \
    DSP_System_Toolbox \
    #Database_Toolbox \
    #Datafeed_Toolbox \
    #Deep_Learning_HDL_Toolbox \
    Deep_Learning_Toolbox \
    #Econometrics_Toolbox \
    #Embedded_Coder \
    #Filter_Design_HDL_Coder \
    #Financial_Instruments_Toolbox \
    #Financial_Toolbox \
    Fixed-Point_Designer \
    Fuzzy_Logic_Toolbox \
    #GPU_Coder \
    Global_Optimization_Toolbox \
    #HDL_Coder \
    #HDL_Verifier \
    #IEC_Certification_Kit \
    #Image_Acquisition_Toolbox \
    Image_Processing_Toolbox \
    #Industrial_Communication_Toolbox \
    #Instrument_Control_Toolbox \
    LTE_Toolbox \
    Lidar_Toolbox \
    MATLAB \
    MATLAB_Coder \
    MATLAB_Compiler \
    MATLAB_Compiler_SDK \
    MATLAB_Parallel_Server \
    #MATLAB_Production_Server \
    MATLAB_Report_Generator \
    #MATLAB_Web_App_Server \
    Mapping_Toolbox \
    # Mixed-Signal_Blockset \
    Model_Predictive_Control_Toolbox \
    # Motor_Control_Blockset \
    Navigation_Toolbox \
    Optimization_Toolbox \
    Parallel_Computing_Toolbox \
    Partial_Differential_Equation_Toolbox \
    Phased_Array_System_Toolbox \
    #Polyspace_Bug_Finder \
    #Polyspace_Bug_Finder_Server \
    #Polyspace_Code_Prover \
    #Polyspace_Code_Prover_Server \
    #Powertrain_Blockset \
    #Predictive_Maintenance_Toolbox \
    # RF_Blockset \
    RF_PCB_Toolbox \
    RF_Toolbox \
    ROS_Toolbox \
    Radar_Toolbox \
    Reinforcement_Learning_Toolbox \
    #Requirements_Toolbox \
    #Risk_Management_Toolbox \
    Robotics_System_Toolbox \
    Robust_Control_Toolbox \
    Satellite_Communications_Toolbox \
    Sensor_Fusion_and_Tracking_Toolbox \
    #SerDes_Toolbox \
    Signal_Integrity_Toolbox \
    Signal_Processing_Toolbox \
    #SimBiology \
    #SimEvents \
    #Simscape \
    #Simscape_Driveline \
    #Simscape_Electrical \
    #Simscape_Fluids \
    #Simscape_Multibody \
    #Simulink \
    #Simulink_3D_Animation \
    #Simulink_Check \
    #Simulink_Code_Inspector \
    #Simulink_Coder \
    #Simulink_Compiler \
    #Simulink_Control_Design \
    #Simulink_Coverage \
    #Simulink_Design_Optimization \
    #Simulink_Design_Verifier \
    #Simulink_Desktop_Real-Time \
    #Simulink_PLC_Coder \
    #Simulink_Real-Time \
    #Simulink_Report_Generator \
    #Simulink_Test \
    #SoC_Blockset \
    #Spreadsheet_Link \
    #Stateflow \
    Statistics_and_Machine_Learning_Toolbox \
    Symbolic_Math_Toolbox \
    #System_Composer \
    System_Identification_Toolbox \
    Text_Analytics_Toolbox \
    UAV_Toolbox \
    # Vehicle_Dynamics_Blockset \
    Vehicle_Network_Toolbox \
    #Vision_HDL_Toolbox \
    WLAN_Toolbox \
    Wavelet_Toolbox \
    #Wireless_HDL_Toolbox \
    Wireless_Testbench || \
    (echo "MPM Installation Failure. See below for more information:" && cat /tmp/mathworks_root.log && false) && \
    rm -f mpm /tmp/mathworks_root.log && \
    rm /usr/local/bin/matlab && \
    ln -s /opt/matlab/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin/matlab

USER matlab

When I launch it using,

docker build -t test-matlab:latest .
docker run -it --rm -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 --shm-size=512M test-matlab:latest -vnc

I get this,


matifali commented 1 year ago

Why are my toolboxes not installed?

matifali commented 1 year ago

More context

While running withy the -browser flag I see all toolboxes.

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --shm-size=512M test-matlab:latest -browser


josmartin commented 1 year ago

@matifali I believe there is a minor bug in your Dockerfile - you have assumed that MATLABROOT where MATLAB is installed is /opt/matlab (by specifying --destination=/opt/matlab in the build file). In fact this is /opt/matlab/R2022b (as you can see from the image below obtained by running mathworks/matlab:r2022b with -vnc and asking what matlabroot is.


Could you try changing your Dockerfile to install in the correct location and see if that fixes things?

Also you may find this Dockerfile useful as an example of how to extend the image mathworks/matlab to incorporate other products and third-party tools.

matifali commented 1 year ago

Thanks @josmartin for pointing that bug. This fixed the issue. But I am wondering why i was able to see all toolboxes in the browser version.

josmartin commented 1 year ago

@matifali I suspect that with the -browser flag they weren't really there (as I'm sure they won't work if installed NOT in $MATLABROOT/toolbox) but ver perhaps picked up their existence in the wrong place and wrongly reported it.