matias-gonz / mag-analyst

Matlab toolbox to model the magnetization of soft magnetic materials.
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Nueva pestaña: About #20

Open jsilveyra opened 1 year ago

jsilveyra commented 1 year ago

Agregar una nueva pestaña al final que se llame "About Maganalyst". Esta tendrá el logo y un texto, algo así: image o bien image

Imagen (la tengo en svg): image

Texto: Maganalyst version XX.XX XXX, 2023

Authors: Matías Ignacio González Josefina María Silveyra Juan Manuel Conde Garrido University of Buenos Aires – CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

If users encounter bugs or problems using MagAnalyst, or have any suggestions for improving the software, please write us to xxx@xxx.xx (acá no sé si gitgub o alguien te permiten crear un mail del proyecto que reenvíe los mails entrantes a la casilla que uno elija. Si no, poner

If you use MagAnalyst in your work, please cite the publication that introduced the toolbox: XXX. We would also be grateful if you cited the publications of the underlying theory: XXX.

The latest version of Maganalyst is available at https://XXXX (y acá iría la dirección del proyecto en el gitgub). We recommend using GitHub Desktop (, which allows users to easily synchronize with the latest version of MagAnalyst.

jsilveyra commented 1 year ago

Logo Maganalyst