matkatmusic / ChordieApp_IssueTracker

Issue tracker for ChordieApp
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Issues with Virtual Keyboard on Windows #8

Closed frauber84 closed 4 years ago

frauber84 commented 4 years ago

So far I'm testing without a MIDI input, just to trigger bugs and exceptions and I have noticed some strange behaviours with the virtual keyboard.

1) It doesn't works until I click on any piano key. 2) While it does light up the keys, it doesn't affect the notation display. 3) To be really useful, you could think of adopting this two-octave setup (as in some DAWs), this way Chordie could be used even when there isn't a MIDI input available.

 2 3   5 6 7
Q W E R T Y U  (upper octave)

 S D   G H J
Z X C V B N M (lower octave)
matkatmusic commented 4 years ago

1) the keyboard isn't the focused component, when you click on it, it becomes focused. 2) it never did this in previous builds because the keyboard never "latched". I have that implemented here: 3) if more people request this, I'll look into it.