matklad / once_cell

Rust library for single assignment cells and lazy statics without macros
Apache License 2.0
1.84k stars 110 forks source link

Minimum Rust Version #201

Closed mitsuhiko closed 1 year ago

mitsuhiko commented 2 years ago

The latest version of once_cell bumps up the minimum requirement up to 1.56 which is a huge jump. Is it conceivable to do a major version bump for this so that people who want to depend on it for libraries that wan to support older versions can stay on the old version?

matklad commented 2 years ago

The short answer is no: per current policy, MSRV bump is not considered a semver breaking change. I want to avoid every reverse dependency having to change their Cargo.tomls (and their own major version, if they happen to expose once_cell via a public API).

After re-reading couple of times, the policy I decided for once_cell is:

We support workflows which target up-to-date, supported versions of Rust compiler, but we also give somewhat generous grace period, as keeping perfectly up-to-date is hard.

We explicitly do not support workflows which depend on using the old compiler. Making sure that the latest once_cell can be compiled with rustc packaged with debian stable is a non-goal.

If users of once_cell find themselves with an outdated compiler, the following actions are suggested:

  1. Find a way to upgrade compiler
  2. If using old compiler is required, stick to old version of once_cell as well
  3. If a combination of old compiler and new once_cell is required, it's on the consumer to maintain a fork with backports.

The following considerations were the most salient for me:

An orthogonal policy is that MSRV bump is not considered semver breaking. There are two justifications for that:

First, this creates ripple effect over ecosystem, where each reverse-dependency has upload a new version with a different Cargo.toml. If the crate also happens to be part of the public API or pushes revdep's own MSRV, the reverse dependency is required to bump its major as well. Practically, not every rev-dep will notice new once-cell, so an extra burden falls on folks maintaining applications with Cargo.locks, who now need to chase their upstreams to avoid duplicate entries in Cargo.lock.

Second, bumping sevmer on MSRV makes the ecosystem less compatible with older compilers. Consider once_cell 1.0.0 with 1.42 as MSRV and kittens 1.0.0 which depends on once_cell = 1 and has it's own MSRV of 1.48. Now, once_cell bumps its MSRV to 1.56. The two scenarios are:

A: once_cell releases 2.0, kittens updates its dep to 2.0 and releases kittens 2.0 with MSRV of 1.56. Then, kittens releases 2.1 with a new API. A binary project rip_toys wants to use this new kittens API, so it upgrades to 2.1. Now, it's impossible to use the latest version of rip_toys on debian stable, because of MSRV.

B: once_cell releases 1.1. kitten does nothing: it still supports 1.48 when Cargo.lock contains once_cell = 1.0.0. When kittens adds a new API, it publishes 1.1.0. rip_toys uses the new API, but it keeps once_cell=1.0.0 in its Cargo.lock. As a result, newest version of rip_toys stays compatible with debian stable.

To rephrase this more mathematically, MSRV means that there exists a combination of dependencies which can be build with that compiler, not that any combination of dependencies can be build with it.

The exists formulation gives more freedom for actual users with Cargo.locks to pick their deps.

One practical problem with the above is that, if you naively test MSRV on CI, your CI might now be broken by upstream releasing a new version to To solve this problem, the following rule is used:

MSRV CI: if you are not using the latest stable compiler, you must use Cargo.lock.

The suggested way to do this is to commit Cargo.lock.msrv file to the repo, and cp Cargo.lock.msrv Cargo.lock when running CI for MSRV. Here's how once_cell itself dose that:

Finally, there are three specific things anyone feeling strongly can do to improve the situation:

mitsuhiko commented 2 years ago

Given that this is where the ecosystem is going, I will likely have to stop maintaining my own libraries for old rust versions.

teach cargo to use rust-version during version selection

I can't even imagine how this works in the resolver given the complexities of this. The resolver would have to back out a huge chunk of the dependency graph if it first encounters an incompatible version of a library.

I think the practical implication of this is that the community starts to restrict to test only against latest Rust again or maybe some quite recent version.

matklad commented 2 years ago

One question I have here: today, once_cell's MSRV is described as "conservative" in readme and 11 months for me does sound conservative, though pretty close to the boundary. I'd like to get a rough "temperature reading" to use the words in a useful way:

Could 11 months old MSRV be called conservative?

djc commented 1 year ago

One question I have here: today, once_cell's MSRV is described as "conservative" in readme and 11 months for me does sound conservative, though pretty close to the boundary. I'd like to get a rough "temperature reading" to use the words in a useful way:

Could 11 months old MSRV be called conservative?

I think my answer would depend on whether 11 months is policy. Your long comment above to me suggests a more aggressive policy (on when we can expect MSRV updates) but as far as I can tell it doesn't actually specify when/how future updates would occur. I would agree your current choice of MSRV is (somewhat) conservative.

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

It's a shame that MSRV update is not part of the semver breaking changes as it completely broke my builds for sysinfo (as you can see in My two cents here would be that making a major release for MSRV change is better, especially for ecosystems where you stick to a precise rustc version.

matklad commented 1 year ago

@GuillaumeGomez as per MSRV CI rule articulated above, ecosystems using precise rustc version could also use precise Cargo.lock to avoid any breakages.

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

But that would prevent to automatically get any bugfix too. Tricky situation. :laughing:

matklad commented 1 year ago

Applications generally use a lock-file anyway, so they already don't get automatic bugfixes.

For libraries, you want to run CI on stable without lockfile (to catch new upstream regressions) and on MSRV with lockfile (to catch MSRV/min-version regressions in your own code).

dtolnay commented 1 year ago

@GuillaumeGomez I'd recommend instead of lockfile. This should be compatible with once_cell as implied by "we give somewhat generous grace period, as keeping perfectly up-to-date is hard" as long as the number of months/releases you pick for the CI build matches what once_cell would consider somewhat generous.

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

No, I'll just enforce in my Cargo.toml to use the previous version so I can keep the current MSRV in sysinfo.

djc commented 1 year ago

Applications generally use a lock-file anyway, so they already don't get automatic bugfixes.

Except when installing through cargo install, which will default to resolving dependencies from scratch.

dtolnay commented 1 year ago

No, I'll just enforce in my Cargo.toml to use the previous version so I can keep the current MSRV in sysinfo.

This is the worst approach that's been mentioned so far. This blocks anybody from using new sysinfo features together with new once_cell features, even if their compiler supports it.

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

I don't see how blocking the once_cell version used in sysinfo is impacting anyone using sysinfo. When I'll make a new major release, I'll update the once_cell version alongside the MSRV and that's it. It's really problematic that a minor update can break your compilation.

Also I just realized that it was used in other dependencies of sysinfo, so basically I can't do anything about it in here... This is really bad... Why not bumping the medium version or something? Even with all your explanations, I don't understand how semver can allow this breakage inside minor versions. Doesn't make any sense...

So basically, I'm now forced to update MSRV version of sysinfo (and make a new major release) because a dependency decided to make a minor release with a breaking change.

To be clear: I'm not opposed to a MSRV change, I'm opposed to a silent MSRV change.

dtolnay commented 1 year ago

I don't understand how semver can allow this breakage inside minor versions. Doesn't make any sense...

I can try to answer this. Semver very explicitly only applies to the documented public API. You first explain how your thing is intended to be used, and then everybody using it in that way can use the semver number to tell whether a particular update is potentially breaking.

A great number of observable things are not covered by semver because they are not documented as part of the intended way to use a crate. For example code that reaches into doc(hidden) private macro internals doesn't get to complain when those things change, because they are not public API. Similarly code that transmutes types with private members. Or code that assumes undocumented implementation details of layout, such as the precise size of a type in bytes.

In once_cell's case, the "public API" is that you build it with a recent enough compiler and stick to everything shown in the rendered rustdoc, and then once_cell's semver number will tell you which releases potentially break that usage.

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the explanation. We all agree here that @matklad respected semver. What I'm complaining about here is that even though semver doesn't go over this, if the same code with no modification stop compiling because of a dependency, then it is a breaking change.

Well, I think the situation won't change and @matklad won't make a medium/major release over this so I'll just wait for a few days and then make a new major release for sysinfo like I said previously. Please just note that this is a very frustrating situation.

dtolnay commented 1 year ago

I guess I will make my own sysinfo crate. :)

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

Well, competition is always a good thing so go ahead. :)

matklad commented 1 year ago

So, whether MSRV bump should be considered semver breaking is surprisingly contentious topic. I think this happens because ecosystem effects of bumping semver in this case are not obvious. However, once ecosystem-wide implications are understood, I think it becomes rather clear that bumping semver with MSRV is untenable.

I've tried to reason through the effects in the above comment, but that's still is a bit too long-winded. So let me try to skip the deductions, and just lay out the conclusions:

If MSRV bump is a breaking change, then:

If MSRV bump is not a breaking change, then:

matklad commented 1 year ago

I don't see how blocking the once_cell version used in sysinfo is impacting anyone using sysinfo.

This is an example of subtle ecosystem implication.

Let's say sysinfo 1.2.3 has once_cell = ">= 1.2.0, < 1.15.0" in Cargo.toml. Let's say foo has sysinfo = "1.2.3" in it's Cargo.toml, and bar has once_cell = "1.15.0". Both foo and bar works fine in isolation. However, if an app writen by someone else depends both on foo and bar, it just fails to build now, on any compiler, because there are no Cargo.lock which satisfies dependencies.

If all dependency requirements are unconstrained above (eg, of the form = "x.y.z"), Cargo can always satisfy all deps by just greedily picking the latest minor of every relevant major (aka, rsc's argument that minimal versions dodge NP-hard also works for maximal versions. What matters is not the direction of lattices, but absence of non-open constrains)

If we add upper-bound constraints (= "=x.y.z", = "<x.y.z"), then some dependency graphs become genuinely unsatisfiable.

eminence commented 1 year ago

@matklad I think your above points are well reasoned. I'm curious about one thing: Do you think anything changes for a library that's still in a 0.y.z version? My own strict reading of semver rules concludes that that nothing in your analysis changes, but a less strict reading of the statement "Anything MAY change at any time" suggests that maybe a library that is not yet at version 1 might be justified bumping the minor version when changing MSRV. (But even if this is true, I don't think this observation really helps our situation here)

GuillaumeGomez commented 1 year ago

Maybe I'm just alone thinking that. Well, if it's supposed to be this way, there's no point in opposing it then. Thanks to everyone for your answers! I'll just bump the sysinfo MSRV and make a minor release to prevent more breakage.

matklad commented 1 year ago

Do you think anything changes for a library that's still in a 0.y.z version?

Mechanically (ie, what actually happens in the guts of Cargo), 0.y.z works as y.z.0, there's nothing special there.

Culturally, I don't think it is true in Rust ecosystem that 0.y.z = anything goes. I'd say we generally treat 0.x versions as x.0 versions, but it always is a good idea to consult crate's doc to avoid second-guessing authors intentions.

Lucretiel commented 1 year ago

Culturally, I don't think it is true in Rust ecosystem that 0.y.z = anything goes. I'd say we generally treat 0.x versions as x.0 versions, but it always is a good idea to consult crate's doc to avoid second-guessing authors intentions.

This is correct. While formal semver specifies that 0.x.y is anything goes, cargo explicitly uses a different behavior, where 0.x.y is compatible with 0.x.(y+1):

This compatibility convention is different from SemVer in the way it treats versions before 1.0.0. While SemVer says there is no compatibility before 1.0.0, Cargo considers 0.x.y to be compatible with 0.x.z, where y ≥ z and x > 0.

newpavlov commented 1 year ago

Sigh... It's the second time this week when a fundamental dependency broke MSRV contract of downstream projects. First it was time and now this.


So let me try to skip the deductions, and just lay out the conclusions

You forgot about the third way: MSRV-dependent dependency version resolution. This way MSRV bump will not be a breaking change and will not break downstream builds reliant on older toolchains. Unfortunately, it does not look like anyone works on it...

jhpratt commented 1 year ago

@newpavlov Neither time nor once_cell violated the MSRV contract. I have already explained this to you for time. Please keep the discussion in time-rs/time#484, where it has been taking place (there's no need to bring an unrelated crate into this repo). There is at least one open question from me from a couple days ago. once_cell says it will be "conservative". Are you asserting that waiting almost an entire year after a feature lands on stable is not conservative? If so, what would you call conservative?

Further, @matklad has already stated that MSRV-dependent resolution is an option:

specific things anyone feeling strongly can do to improve the situation: … teach cargo to use rust-version during version selection

The fact that no one is actively working on this is, frankly, not an issue that concerns myself and @matklad (I presume). Anyone is able to do this. Nearly everyone working on Rust is a volunteer. If you would like to see MSRV-dependent resolution, ask on Zulip where a plausible starting place is.

matklad commented 1 year ago

@newpavlov note that it never was once_cell policy’s to support Debian stable; 10 versions back was as far as we went, and that’s not enough to support Debian.

If the MSRV contract of a downstream is that it supports Debian stable with any combination of dependencies, the project became buggy the moment it added once_cell to its list of transitive deps. Please avoid using once_cell in such projects.

Note that this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to use once_cell with anything targeting Debian stable. It just means that projects doing so should use sufficiently lax lower bounds on once_cell to get by with sufficiently old version, provide a Cargo.lock with this version, and apply due diligence checking that that version wasn’t flagged with any security vulnerabilities.

newpavlov commented 1 year ago

@jhpratt I did not say time and once_cell broke their MSRV contract (sure, since they do not have one). I am talking about downstream projects which strive to keep MSRV contract and crates like time and once_cell undermine such efforts. Some projects even chose to simply remove once_cell from their dependency tree because of that, which is obviously far from ideal.

If so, what would you call conservative?

The approach which I consider conservative and which I personally follow: consider MSRV bump a breaking change until MSRV-dependent version resolution lands and crate's MSRV becomes higher than version at which the feature has landed.


If the MSRV contract of a downstream is that it supports Debian stable with any combination of dependencies, the project became buggy the moment it added once_cell to its list of transitive deps. Please avoid using once_cell in such projects.

I agree and as we can see some projects have chosen to act on your last sentence. I would hope that foundational crates would adapt a more conservative stance, but alas it looks like such hope is a vain one...

jhpratt commented 1 year ago

consider MSRV bump a breaking change

Even setting aside that bumping MSRV is largely accepted as a minor version bump, not major, there are enormous consequences to a change like this. matklad has already listed these in this thread.

I would hope that foundational crates would adapt a more conservative stance

libc is looking at a much less generous policy than either crate you have mentioned. Repsectfully, you're in for much larger issues if you think time and once_cell have caused MSRV-related issues.

striezel commented 1 year ago

One question I have here: today, once_cell's MSRV is described as "conservative" in readme and 11 months for me does sound conservative, though pretty close to the boundary. I'd like to get a rough "temperature reading" to use the words in a useful way:

Could 11 months old MSRV be called conservative?

Well, it could be called that, but I would not really consider it to actually be conservative.

Why is that? The term "conservative" in relation to software versions is usually closely related to the notion of Long Term Support (LTS) of software / OSes / whatever component we are talking about. Because that is what "conservative" in versioning boils down to for me: being able to use new versions of a crate without having to worry about whether an update to the newest toolchain version is required with every new version of a Rust crate. Since Rust has no notion of LTS, let's take a look at the release cycle of Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution which does have LTS releases, and which in turn may give us an idea what time span may be considered conservative. In essence, Ubuntu provides a new LTS release every two years with support for five years (plus additional five years, if one is willing to pay for that), and between those LTS releases it provides interim releases every six months which are supported for nine months.

Staying with that example, I would consider users of Ubuntu LTS releases conservative, and users of the interim releases not. If we look at the support time frame of five years for LTS releases, then I understand that supporting up to five year old software is not really feasible in most cases. But supporting software versions until the next LTS release is available, which in that case is two years, probably is feasible.

Using those time frames as a reference, I myself would consider supporting up to two years old software to be conservative. There certainly is room for discussion whether two years is too long or too short a time frame. Some but I would certainly not consider any time frame below one year as conservative.

To translate this back to Rust versions:

So to summarize it: As of today (2022-09-26), supporting Rust versions back to Rust 1.47 is what I would consider really conservative. Supporting Rust back to Rust 1.56 is where I could start arguing whether this may be considered conservative. And any cutoff at a newer Rust version basically conveys to me that a project clearly does not care about a conservative MSRV policy. Just my two cents.

mimoo commented 1 year ago

This is breaking one of our repo as well, does anyone know what's the best way of fixing this? In our case it's a transitive dependency so we can't set the version to =1.13.1 or something. The following doesn't seem to work either:

once_cell = "=1.13.1"

(BTW our problem comes from the bump in Rust edition)

BurntSushi commented 1 year ago

This is breaking one of our repo as well, does anyone know what's the best way of fixing this? In our case it's a transitive dependency so we can't set the version to =1.13.1 or something. The following doesn't seem to work either:

once_cell = "=1.13.1"

(BTW our problem comes from the bump in Rust edition)

You "fix" by setting the version you want in your Cargo.lock. Which has been mentioned in this issue a few times. You should not be modifying your Cargo.toml.

mimoo commented 1 year ago

noob question again, but how do you obtain the correct checksum to put in the Cargo.lock?

mimoo commented 1 year ago

OK I just deleted the checksum field and it put the correct in there for me!

mati865 commented 1 year ago

You can choose older version with: cargo update -p once_cell --precise 1.13.1

luke-biel commented 1 year ago

I may join the discussion as I'm maintainer of test-case, which transitively by crate insta also encountered CI breakage.

It's I believe fourth time we had to patch our Cargo.toml to ensure we can still fullfill "conservative" assumption about our MSRV (1.49). What I fail to understand is why do we keep discussing what we consider being a contract when the contract is already defined, not in some random text but in cargo code. When I put a dependency in Cargo.toml i expect this dependency to act the same now as it would in 10 years, regardless of Cargo.lock generated at the time (given I use same version of cargo and rustc). People make mistakes, applications don't, that's why we build tools for doing basically most fundamental things in our lifes and that's why thing like cargo is prefered to keep tabs on my crate dependencies, not me manually writing down a dependency graph. And cargo assumes, that semver declares breakage for now. I would much prefer to update MAJOR on every release if my app is so volitale, or keep it in 0.x version if I want to keep toying with new rust features, not break cargo assumptions.

Turbo87 commented 1 year ago

FWIW here is another high-profile case of the MSRV change here causing downstream issues:

personally, I agree with @GuillaumeGomez that MSRV changes should be treated as breaking changes, otherwise it's basically impossible to apply an MSRV policy to intermediate libraries.

a few comments on the summary posted above:

If MSRV bump is a breaking change, then:

  • major bumps happen significantly more frequently for "leaf" libraries

nobody is forcing those leaf libraries to bump their MSRV. they only need to do it if they absolutely need something that is only available in a more recent compiler/stdlib version.

  • major bumps happen constantly for intermediate libraries, their authors are on a release treadmill due to dependencies even if they make zero changes to the library's own code

correct me if I'm wrong, but if an MSRV change is the only "breaking" change in a major version bump then an intermediate library could specify something like foo = "4 || 5" to release support for the new major without itself having to do a major version bump. admittedly, I'm not sure how cargo would behave in that case and if it would try to deduplicate the dependency tree.

  • Cargo.locks on average contain a lot of duplicate crates

yes, that number would likely go up, though to be fair, that is already the case for a lot of projects.

  • Rust applications can be built only with fairly recent versions of Rust

I don't understand this point 🤔

On the contrary, it seems to me like it would allow applications to be built with even older Rust versions, without having the need for a specific lockfile, since the whole dependency tree could be chosen to only use dependency versions that comply with a certain MSRV.

If MSRV bump is not a breaking change, then:

  • intermediate library authors have to have marginally more complex CI setup for MSRV testing

I'd say the intermediate library authors basically have no chance of upholding any MSRV policy anymore, which means that the CI setup work for MSRV testing essentially goes to zero

  • intermediate library authors don't care when their deps bump MSRV

same as above, if the "leaf" libraries are dictating the MSRV of intermediate libraries because MSRV changes are not considered breaking, then it is impossible to even have an MSRV policy for the intermediate libraries (see the tokio issue linked at the beginning of the comment) unless they remove or vendor the "leaf" libraries, which defeats the purpose of having a package ecosystem a bit.

  • Rust applications stay compatible with wider range of Rust versions, though actually getting an application to compile with old Rust requires at the moment semi-manual futzing with Cargo.lock

as written above, I'm not sure why the application would be more compatible in this scenario.

Nemo157 commented 1 year ago

correct me if I'm wrong, but if an MSRV change is the only "breaking" change in a major version bump then an intermediate library could specify something like foo = "4 || 5" to release support for the new major without itself having to do a major version bump. admittedly, I'm not sure how cargo would behave in that case and if it would try to deduplicate the dependency tree.

Cargo does not try to deduplicate the dependency tree, it will just select the latest compatible version. This will result in the exact same experience for downstream devs as the MSRV change being released as a compatible update, they will have to manually cargo update -p foo --precise 4.2.3 to add the older version with the older MSRV to their lockfile.

BurntSushi commented 1 year ago

yes, that number would likely go up

It would categorically go up. It's already hard to keep up with, and this I expect would make it nearly impossible. Compile times would get even worse.

Treating MSRV bumps as semver breaking changes is absolutely untenable.

Turbo87 commented 1 year ago

Treating MSRV bumps as semver breaking changes is absolutely untenable.

then we should probably just give up on MSRV policies completely unless anyone has a good idea on how to resolve this

Cargo does not try to deduplicate the dependency tree, it will just select the latest compatible version.

hmm, okay, too bad.

they will have to manually cargo update -p foo --precise 4.2.3 to add the older version with the older MSRV to their lockfile

this seems like a suggestion that is unlikely to be practical. If an app is using a dependency tree of app->B->C->D->E and then E decides to bump the MSRV how would the application author even know he needs to restrict some fifth level dependency to a certain version?

the only option I see for this is if the rust-version field was used by E and cargo would show a helpful message with exact instructions on how to restrict the version of E.

they will have to manually cargo update -p foo --precise 4.2.3

since this only changes the lockfile, this will essentially make automated lockfile updates from systems like renovatebot impossible, since they can't know about these restrictions. the JS ecosystem has "overrides" for restricting transitive dependency versions, but I don't think that exists for cargo?

matklad commented 1 year ago

FWIW here is another high-profile case of the MSRV change here causing downstream issues:

I think this is working as intended: this is a backport for LTS release, and it makes sense that the support burden falls on the party which promises LTS.

The way I see it, there is a bimodal distribution here:

I do make a value judgement that I'll be focusing only on the first use-case:

It certainly is true that there are real use-cases which require sticking to old compilers. One compelling one, is, eg, "I don't trust security of rustup-based supply chain, but I trust Debain's one". These use-cases seem rare enough to me to place the burden of support on people needing them, especially given that the option of "stick with old versions of software if you are stuck with old compiler" exists.

An argument can be made that ecosystem as a whole would be better of if it had an LTS policy. I'll generally flow with the ecosystem, even my personal opinion is "no, 'live at head' is overall better", but the ecosystem as a whole doesn't seem to be too thrilled about LTSes.

matklad commented 1 year ago

Rust applications can be built only with fairly recent versions of Rust

I don't understand this point thinking

@Turbo87 would be a good case study here. It involves the folowing dependency chain: crossbeam <- rayon <- rust-analyzer.

What happened there is that crossbeam bumped a major solely for MSRV (1.31 -> 1.36). As rayon depends on crossbeam, they had to bump crossbeam dependency in Cargo.toml and make a new release as well. This created the situation where new rayon can only be compiled with 1.36. As rayon didn't bump their major, the propagation stopped here. rust-analyzer didn't have to change it's Cargo.toml, so the following combos were admissable, depending on the lockfile : (new rustc, new ra, new rayon, new crossbeam), (old rustc, new ra, old rayon, old crossbeam).

Had the rayon released major version instead (which is implied by "MSRV is breaking" policy), than rust-analyzer would have to change its Cargo.toml to use new rayon making only "everything new" admissible.

If corssbeam hadn't bump its major, (old rustc, new ra, new rayon, old crosbeam) would have been possible as well. What's more, we wouldn't even need a new rayon release.

matklad commented 1 year ago

since this only changes the lockfile, this will essentially make automated lockfile updates from systems like renovatebot impossible, since they can't know about these restrictions.

I actually got curious about renovate bot independently recently. As far as I can tell, it tries to pin dependencies in Cargo.toml which sounds like a bug to me. Such bots only need to touch Cargo.toml for major upgrades. So, I wouldn't neccesary take this particular bot as the representative example here.

In general, I think this is fairly automatable. There is rust-version field now, bots can look at it and take it into account.

Really, there's this thing about this whole discussion which feels very puzzling to me. I concede that solving rust-version properly is non-trivial:

This ... is a big chunk of work.

However, writing a quick'n'dirty cargo give-me-lockfile-compatible-with-my-rustc utility seems easy:

let mut rustc = current_stable;
loop {
    let prev_rustc = rustc.downgrade()
    while Some(p) = `cargo +prev_rustc check --message-format="json"`.run().first_error() {
        match p.version.prev() {
                Some(it) => `cargo update --package {p} --precise {it}`
                None => {
                    prlintln!("{rustc}" is as far in the past as we could go);
    rustc = prev_rustc; 

State of the world where supporting old compilers is important for many people, but the above utility is not well-known, seems contradictory to me.

taiki-e commented 1 year ago

What happened there is that crossbeam bumped a major solely for MSRV (1.31 -> 1.36).

To be clear: These releases bumped the major version not because of MSRV, but because of other breaking changes (,, etc. see also Also, at the time of its release, crossbeam no longer considered the MSRV bump to be a breaking change (

Turbo87 commented 1 year ago

I actually got curious about renovate bot independently recently. rust-lang/ As far as I can tell, it tries to pin dependencies in Cargo.toml which sounds like a bug to me. Such bots only need to touch Cargo.toml for major upgrades. So, I wouldn't neccesary take this particular bot as the representative example here.

the rationale for this is explained at (focussed on the JS ecosystem, but the same concept applies to Rust too). also note that by default it only pins dependencies for applications, not for libraries.

mitsuhiko commented 1 year ago

My take on the current situation is that we are at crossroads: there are two paths which might come out of this: there is a community inside Rust that wants to maintain older releases and will self select out of this, or that community won't arise.

Right now I'm not sure where it will fall. I would like to support older releases, users of my insta snapshotting tool would like support for older releases but unless that community forms, I don't have the energy myself to fight the windmills. I don't mind maintaining a fork of once_cell but I will very much mind maintaining a fork for every downstream dependency that also uses once_cell. So very likely in a few months I will have to make the call to either try to support this still or give up.

There is no pragmatic solution to the current problem. Lockfiles are completely useless for me as a library developer, the only work for the end user. So what happens now is that my libraries start breaking from one moment to another, from one pull request to another and I am regularly phased now with not having an answer to that other than to try to not use dependencies that have a written MSRV policy that exceeds or matches mine.

Nemo157 commented 1 year ago

Lockfiles (or cargo give-me-lockfile-compatible-with-my-rustc) work just fine for libraries to maintain a CI job proving they have support for some MSRV with the dependency version requirements they impose. It does mean that application authors using such a library (if they require the MSRV) must also use cargo give-me-lockfile-compatible-with-my-rustc (or manually craft a lockfile via cargo update --precise) whenever they add or update a dependency, but that is a relatively small amount of work (once the authors understand what it is they need to do, the main barrier I see to this is there is not good documentation explaining how to maintain an MSRV in this way).

mitsuhiko commented 1 year ago

@Nemo157 that's not a very useful guarantee to give from where I stand and also increases the complexity greatly for everybody involved.

BurntSushi commented 1 year ago

that's not a very useful guarantee to give from where I stand and also increases the complexity greatly for everybody involved.

I guess I don't really understand this. If you (as in the general "you") care about MSRV enough, then I don't understand why this isn't an acceptable price to pay. Someone has to pay the price somewhere. If you hold MSRV back, then you end up in a tangle like libc, and that has complexity costs too, because it can result in a nasty mess of conditional compilation.

mitsuhiko commented 1 year ago

If you (as in the general "you") care about MSRV enough, then I don't understand why this isn't an acceptable price to pay. Someone has to pay the price somewhere.

Correct, and I would like to pay this price on behalf of my users for at least insta. Now I understand that this is an increasingly hard thing to do and I very likely will have to eventually stop doing this because my own dependencies are moving up.

Today I can publish a crate and declare a MSRV, but I cannot really guarantee it unless I also control all of my dependencies. Which means that I have to either let the user deal with this problem and publish some recommendations in the docs of known good upstream versions that support my MSRV. In that case they will have to manually cargo update --precise. Alternatively I can avoid dependencies with a much leaner MSRV policy than my own crate has.

Since someone needs to pay the price it seems to be easier for me (for now) to pick libraries that are more conservatives in MSRV bumps so that I am running less often into this issue.

There is however a good chance that the community as a hole is becoming less interested in supporting older rustc versions and then I will likewise stop caring about it. Right now I'm here waiting and seeing.

Another way to look at it is that the complexity of not using once_cell is less work for me than the alternatives proposed.

eminence commented 1 year ago

@matklad Would you consider adding a section to the README that lists the current MSRV? This will be useful in the future when we need to find the MSRV of a specific version of once_cell. I know the MSRV is in the docs, but being in the README would make it visible on a page like