matkoniecz / Zazolc

private fork not suitable for general use - it is a customised version of StreetComplete, called Zażółć. Includes some changes that were rejected in StreetComplete, changes unsuitable for general public and features that I test before potential inclusion in StreetComplete
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few comments/suggestions about #4

Closed mnalis closed 2 years ago

mnalis commented 2 years ago

I was using while trying out writing my first quest, here are some experiences/suggestions I've noted (while it's still fresh in my mind). Feel free to ask for clarifications. Some of it is probably just my confusion, but some might be actionable. Also note that I did not use whole of the documentation (most notably I've not used anything related to Android Studio not have I yet tried advanced parts)

matkoniecz commented 2 years ago

oooo, thanks! That is very useful feedback


matkoniecz commented 2 years ago

@mnalis I fixed obvious issues (see ) and will work on trickier ones.

Thanks for a great review!

when linking files and referring to specific line numbers, it would be better to reference specific commit version of that file (even if older/possibly obsolete) then the master. For example, in implement a fully custom tag parsing, still combined with filter syntax links to which seems to be wrong line numbers currently.

I hope that recent changes (some triggered by writing this texts, some by linting) will stabilize. I will review links and set reminder to do it again in few months.

Filtering in the element selectionensures that every object will have either name or brand tag., might also mention other way used in quests, how to detect missing tag and use another string value (like I copied from AirConditioning quest and it seems to work )

I will think here.

should code authors be mentioned somewhere? or just authors of images (which is documented in docs)?

This is a bit in limbo, see Will update once situation is clear.

  • although docs suggest to start with way_lit quest for simple yes/no quest, I initially found that more complicated (several files - what is supposed to go in each one? what is sealed interface WayLitOrIsStepsAnswer, object IsActuallyStepsAnswer : WayLitOrIsStepsAnswer etc) so I've used one-file simpler AirConditioning quest as starting point. Don't know if there are better ones. Once I've had basic quest working I've borrowed some code from way_lit and wheelchair_access quests (which wasn't trouble free as I had problems compiling, but eventually after several tries figured it out). So maybe good idea would be to show one simplest quest (like Defibrilator as mentioned elsewhere in docs, or Airconditioning) and then one a little more (but not too much) complex (like way_lit) and highlight differences between them

Yeaaaah, good point. Sorry for a trap.

EDIT: Changed

  • test section mentions See "logcat" (bottom left area of the screen) to see stacktrace or logging messages. - it would be good to link to example how to make your code log something into logcat when debugging.

That is worth mentioning but that part will have link at most to keep it relatively simple.

many quests seem to use getTitleArgs to return tags["name"] ?: tags["brand"] - I assume ?: means use first value, unless it is undefined, then use seconds one? Might want to explain that syntax. (or maybe should that name_or_brand() be consolidated as seems to be often used?) is trying to explain that, is more info needed?

mnalis commented 2 years ago is trying to explain that, is more info needed?

Well, I think so..

Docs certainly try to explain what is being done, but confusing part for me (as non-kotlin programmer) was how it is being done. Without knowing the difference between %s and %1$s (much clearer after update; but I'm still not sure if there is any difference for single-string replacements, or if I could use either one? Just curious myself, it is not important for writing quest as it is spelled out when to use which), and not knowing what ?: and arrayOfNotNull() actually do, it is not trivial to connect the dots between "what" and "how".

On the other hand, I quite understand that this should not be "introduction to kotlin for dummies" document :smile:

Here are few comments on what was confusing to me; I'm not sure if all of it is actionable or not, though, but this is a diary of how I got confused:

matkoniecz commented 2 years ago

much clearer after update; but I'm still not sure if there is any difference for single-string replacements, or if I could use either one?

I am pretty sure that yes, for single replacement both are equivalent (but has not tested it). I even suspect that for multipreplacement %s would be treated as %1s$ (I also has not tested it - but this would be silly to use).

Sadly, official docs are quite poor as usual.

hasFeatureName(tags) is somewhat confusing name

I agree, though I have no idea for a better one (if you have an idea for a clearly better one it can be changed - like which was done as part of writing this docs)

IMHO it would have been much clearer if that check tags.containsKey("name") || tags.containsKey("brand") was directly inline in getTitle(), instead of being separated in separate function, but perhaps it is done because in some other parts of code it is much more complex function?

It is done this way to ensure that tags considered as giving names are the same in various parts of the code.

Otherwise SC would crash at runtime in some cases. Though maybe having instead tagsGivingName or something would be better? (It would require changing every single quest and way of doing this so it should be noticeably better)

docs say feature type (such as "greengrocer", while the variable is named featureName - those should both use the variable name to be clear (or user is unsure if feature name / type are the same thing)


EDIT: Unified

while I know it should not be all-encompasing guide to kotlin, perhaps those few nontrivial (for non-kotlin programmers) lines should be briefly explained in fashion, e.g.:

Kotlin docs are actually quite good so maybe linking some of less usual and often useful features.

EDIT: Added

matkoniecz commented 2 years ago

as I started to be lost I extracted remaining work to #5, #6, #7, #8

Feel free to comment there or open new issues here or comment on the PR in StreetComplete repo

Closing as it appears that all actionable by me parts are done or extracted. Sorry if I missed something, feel free to respond in this issue (especially in cases where I asked for a better ideas) or create a new issue.