matlab-deep-learning / Pretrained-YOLOv8-Network-For-Object-Detection

YOLO v8 training and inference in MATLAB for Object Detection with yolov8n, yolov8s, yolov8m, yolov8l, yolov8x, networks
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How to use a YoloV8 model , fine tuned to dataset other than COCO dataset? #3

Closed akshu2025 closed 1 month ago

akshu2025 commented 8 months ago


I am using a YoloV8 model that i trained to detect potholes and trying to inference it in Matlab. How can i convert my model to a matlab file? Does the functions in the +helper folder support any YoloV8 model? I would appreciate any support here!


viakkala commented 1 month ago

You may use importYOLOv8Model.m function to import the pretrained onnx file into MATLAB format.