matloff / R-vs.-Python-for-Data-Science

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Could you recommend libraries and books for learning data science in R and Python? #20

Open grassit opened 4 years ago

grassit commented 4 years ago

Hi Prof Matloff and other friends,

I am not a beginner but not much different I studied a bit (though not much) about statistics and machine learning a while ago, before switching to study about computer science (general non machine learning side). I am thinking about coming back to statistics and machine learning, or data science (a term which I don't fully understand and is popular nowadays), and start with some self study.

I was wondering if any of you could provide your opinions/recommendations about:


matloff commented 4 years ago

Though I think R is better than Python for data science, there is no question that Python is the more popular language. Best to learn by doing, but if you want book recommendation, there is my book, the Art of R Programming, and I've always liked Dive into Python. As to libraries, you might try H2O, which has both R and Python interfaces, and is "industrial strength." I believe the most popular application area, by far, is marketing research.