The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model.
Arcelik Group is a Turkish manufacturer that has brands like Grundig, Beko, Arçelik, and Altus and also manufactures products for brands like Hitachi, Sharp, and Philco.
Since the most well-known brand of Arcelik Group is Grundig, the device detector gives Grundig output as the brand information for the televisions manufactured by Arcelik Group.
Arcelik Group is a Turkish manufacturer that has brands like Grundig, Beko, Arçelik, and Altus and also manufactures products for brands like Hitachi, Sharp, and Philco.
Since the most well-known brand of Arcelik Group is Grundig, the device detector gives Grundig output as the brand information for the televisions manufactured by Arcelik Group.
Correct Example:
Incorrect Examples:
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux armv9; U; en;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (Arcelik;visionos;NX;03.024.00;) CE-HTML/1.0 NETRANGEMMH HbbTV/2.0 (SRAF;Arcelik_Gen3;RC_V2;Arcelik;NX;NXGRMR.-.-.-.-.V03.024.00;tr-TR;Wireless;prod;) Brand: Arcelik
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux armv9; U; en;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (Beko;visionos;NX;03.024.00;) CE-HTML/1.0 NETRANGEMMH HbbTV/2.0 (SRAF;Arcelik_Gen3;RC_V2;Arcelik;NX;NXGRMR.-.-.-.-.V03.024.00;tr-TR;Wireless;prod;) Brand: BEKO
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux armv9; U; en;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (Altus;visionos;NX;03.024.00;) CE-HTML/1.0 NETRANGEMMH HbbTV/2.0 (SRAF;Arcelik_Gen3;RC_V2;Arcelik;NX;NXGRMR.-.-.-.-.V03.024.00;tr-TR;Wireless;prod;) Brand: Altus
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (QtEmbedded; Linux) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) MWB/1.0 Safari/537.4 HbbTV/1.2.1 (+PVR+DRM; Arcelik; MWB;;;) Brand: Arcelik
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36 SRAF/4.0 (; SERAPHIC; SERAPHIC; v4.0; v1.0; ); CE-HTML/1.0 hbbtv PHILCO/PH60D16DSGWN4K DeviceID/60748d863766 NETRANGEMMH Arcelik Grundig SMART-TV Brand: PHILCO
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36 SRAF/4.0 (; UMC-Sharp; FVP6486X; v3.5; v1.0; ); CE-HTML/1.0 hbbtv PHILCO/PH60D16DSGWN4K DeviceID/c08acd74aa34 Arcelik Grundig FXM-U2FsdGVkX18CGxdgOulmEAW9kIUa31zv9O4jhWxhPiBWfOaZ6OLXqy19vdG3rVlJ-END Brand: PHILCO or Sharp (not sure)
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux armv9; U; ar;) AppleWebKit/537.17 (Beko;quicksmart;O2;02.034.00;) CE-HTML/1.0 ARCELIKAS HbbTV/1.2.1 (MWB;Arcelik_Gen3;RC_V2;Arcelik;O2;O2GRMR.-.-.-.-.V02.034.00;ar-TR;Wireless;prod;) Brand: Beko
Missing Information:
[x] Kodi/20.2 (Linux; Android 11.0; Arcelik Android UHD TV Build/RTM6.230109.219) Android TV/11.0.0 Sys_CPU/armv7l App_Bitness/32 Version/20.2-(20.2.0)-Git:20230629-5f418d0b13 Brand: Arcelik
[x] Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; Arcelik Android TV Build/RTM6.230109.094; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 Brand: Arcelik