matomo-org / matomo-nodejs-tracker

A Node.js wrapper for the Matomo (Piwik) tracking HTTP API
MIT License
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self signed certificate #48

Closed OKNoah closed 6 years ago

OKNoah commented 6 years ago

Currently I get the error self signed certificate. My matomo uses a self-signed cert and I've had trouble setting up letsencrypt on it. Is this the library complaining or Matomo itself?

OKNoah commented 6 years ago

I was able to properly sign the certificate, so no longer an issue for me personally.

Findus23 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report, it wouldn't surprise me if the library didn't accept self-signed certificates. But I don't think that's a huge issue as a Matomo instance with a invalid cert, won't be able to track properly (apart from intranet setups)