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Clicking through the following pages in the transition overlay for page titles does not work #17853

Closed heurteph-ei closed 3 years ago

heurteph-ei commented 3 years ago

Steps to Reproduce / Behavior

  1. Behaviour > Page titles
  2. Hover a PAGE TITLE then click on the Transitions icon
  3. Click on an Internal Pages Link (From or To)
  4. There’s no data whereas it should have some...

(screenshot of image

(screenshot of my own "no data") image

Possible Solution

No idea


Reported from The bug is not reproductible on, but I reproduced it on my own servers (v4.3.1).

Your Environment

Mandatory checks

Version PHP >= 7.2.5:

✔ 7.3.20

PDO Extension:

PDO\MYSQL Extension:

MYSQLI Extension:

Extensions requises:

✔ zlib ✔ SPL ✔ iconv ✔ json ✔ mbstring ✔ Reflection ✔ filter ✔ hash ✔ session

Fonctions requises:

✔ debug_backtrace ✔ eval ✔ hash ✔ gzcompress ✔ gzuncompress ✔ pack

Configuration PHP requise (php.ini):

✔ session.auto_start = 0 ✔ max_execution_time = 0 OR >= 30

Répertoires avec les droits d'accès en écriture:

✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/assets ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/cache ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/climulti ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/latest ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/logs ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/sessions ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/tcpdf ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/templates_c

Répertoires avec accès en écriture pour Gestionnaire de balises:

✔ $DOC_ROOT/js/tics-manager

Extensions requises:

✔ openssl

Optional checks

Required Private Directories:

⚠ Warning: Unable to execute check for $MATOMO_URLconfig/config.ini.php: curl_exec: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.. Hostname requested was: ⚠ Warning: Unable to execute check for $MATOMO_URLtmp/: curl_exec: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.. Hostname requested was: ⚠ Warning: Unable to execute check for $MATOMO_URLtmp/empty: curl_exec: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.. Hostname requested was: ⚠ Warning: Unable to execute check for $MATOMO_URLtmp/cache/tracker/matomocache_general.php: curl_exec: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.. Hostname requested was: ⚠ Warning: Unable to execute check for $MATOMO_URLlang/en.json: curl_exec: Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.. Hostname requested was: matomo.*.fr ✔ All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.

Intégrité du fichier:

⚠ Warning: Le contrôle d'intégrité a échoué et a rapporté des erreurs. Vous devriez corriger ces problèmes puis rafraîchir cette page jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus d'erreur.

Des fichiers auxquels nous ne nous attendions pas ont été trouvés dans votre installation de Matomo.
--> Veuillez supprimer ces fichiers pour éviter d'avoir des erreurs.

Statut du traqueur:

Limite mémoire:

✔ 128M

Fuseau horaire:

Ouvrez l'URL:

✔ curl

PageSpeed désactivé:

GD > 2.x + Freetype (graphiques):

Autres extensions:

✔ json ✔ libxml ✔ dom ✔ SimpleXML ✔ openssl

Autres fonctions:

✔ shell_exec ✔ set_time_limit ✔ mail ✔ parse_ini_file ✔ glob ✔ gzopen ✔ md5_file

Système de fichiers:

Paramétrer une tâche Cron (chargement plus rapide des rapports):

⚠ Warning: Pour des performances optimales et un Matomo rapide, il est vivement recommandé de mettre en place une entré CRON pour archiver automatiquement vos rapports, et de désactiver le déclanchement depuis l'interface depuis les paramètres Matomo. Apprenez-en plus.

Browser and Auto-archiving enabled:

⚠ Warning: It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started 9 min 42s ago. If auto archiving is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".

Paramétrer une tâche Cron - Gestion des processus via la ligne de commande:

✔ Ok

Capacités de la base de données:

✔ UTF8mb4 charset ⚠ Warning: LOAD DATA INFILE
L'utilisation de LOAD DATA INFILE va grandement accélérer la vitesse du processus d'archivage de Matomo. Pour le rendre disponible à Matomo, essayez de mettre à jour PHP & MySQL et assurez-vous que votre utilisateur MySQL a les privilèges de FILE.
Si votre serveur Matomo suit des sites à fort trafic (ex. > 100000 pages par mois), nous recommandons d'essayer de corriger ce problème. ✔ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ✔ Changing transaction isolation level

Taille maximale des paquets:

⚠ Warning: Il est important de configurer une taille 'max_allowed_packet' dans votre base de données MySQL d'au moins 64MB. 32MB configuré en ce moment.

Connexion SSL forcée:


⚠ Warning: Le fournisseur de localisation par défaut devine le pays d'un visiteur en se basant sur le langage de son navigateur. Ceci n'est pas très précis, nous recommandons donc l'installation et l'utilisation d'une base de données de géolocalisation.

Mettre à jour via HTTPS:

Traceur JavaScript inscriptible ("/matomo.js"):

Heatmap & Session Recording Tracking:

⚠ Warning: Requesting '$MATOMO_URLplugins/HeatmapSessionRecording/configs.php?idsite=1&trackerid=5lX6EM&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.test%2F' resulted in an SSL error. Maybe you are using a self signed certificate? Please open the URL manually in a browser to see if the response contains 'Piwik.HeatmapSessionRecording'. If not, you might need to modify your server configuration as this file needs to be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.

Informational results

Matomo Version:


Matomo Update History:


Matomo Install Version:


Latest Available Version:

Is Git Deployment:






Timezone Version:


PHP Timezone:


PHP Time:


PHP Datetime:

2021-07-02 14:39:44

PHP INI max_execution_time:


PHP INI post_max_size:


PHP INI max_input_vars:


PHP INI zlib.output_compression:

Curl Version:

7.29.0, NSS/3.44

Suhosin Installed:


DB Prefix:


DB Charset:


DB Adapter:


MySQL Version:


Num Tables:


Browser Segment Archiving Enabled:


Development Mode Enabled:


Internet Enabled:


Multi Server Environment:


Auto Update Enabled:


Custom User Path:


Custom Include Path:


Release Channel:


Plugins Activated:

API, AbTesting 4.0.6, Actions, ActivityLog 4.0.2, Annotations, BulkTracking, Cohorts 4.0.3, Contents, CoreAdminHome, CoreConsole, CoreHome, CorePluginsAdmin, CoreUpdater, CoreVisualizations, CustomDimensions, CustomJsTracker, CustomReports 4.0.7, DBStats, Dashboard, DevicePlugins, DevicesDetection, Diagnostics, Events, Feedback, Funnels 4.0.3, GeoIp2, Goals, Heartbeat, HeatmapSessionRecording 4.0.12, ImageGraph, Insights, Installation, Intl, IntranetMeasurable, LanguagesManager, Live, LoginLdap 4.3.0, LoginSaml 4.0.3, MobileMessaging, Monolog, Morpheus, MultiSites, Overlay, PagePerformance, PrivacyManager, Proxy, Referrers, Resolution, RssWidget, SEO, ScheduledReports, SearchEngineKeywordsPerformance 4.1.1, SegmentEditor, SitesManager, TagManager, Tour, Transitions, TwoFactorAuth, UserCountry, UserCountryMap, UserId, UserLanguage, UsersFlow 4.0.4, UsersManager, VisitFrequency, VisitTime, VisitorInterest, VisitsSummary, WebsiteMeasurable, WhiteLabel 4.0.2, Widgetize

Plugins Deactivated:

CustomVariables, Ecommerce, FormAnalytics 4.0.5, Login, Marketplace, MediaAnalytics 4.0.8, MobileAppMeasurable, MultiChannelConversionAttribution 4.0.5, ProfessionalServices, Provider, RollUpReporting 4.0.2, WooCommerceAnalytics 4.0.5

Plugins Invalid:

Server Info:


Had visits in last 1 day:


Had visits in last 3 days:


Had visits in last 5 days:


Archive Time Last Started:


Archive Time Last Finished:


User Agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0

Browser Language:


Total Invalidation Count:


In Progress Invalidation Count:


Scheduled Invalidation Count:


Earliest invalidation ts_started:

Latest invalidation ts_started:

Earliest invalidation ts_invalidated:

Latest invalidation ts_invalidated:

Number of segment invalidations:


Number of plugin invalidations:


List of plugins being invalidated:

Anonymize Referrer:

Do Not Track enabled:


sgiehl commented 3 years ago

Hi @heurteph-ei ,

Thanks for creating this issue. I'm able to confirm, that something doesn't work with transitions for page titles. Even on demo, this doesn't work correctly. When clicking through the pages in the transition overlay only the title is updated, but the numbers seem to stay the same. Also the title has a http:// prefix, which doesn't make sense for page titles. Will check if that is easy to fix

sgiehl commented 3 years ago

@heurteph-ei I created, which should fix the issue. If you are able to do that feel free to apply the changes on your instance and check if it fixes the issue for you as well.