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Pages - provide improved information for users with multilingual websites #18258

Open RobinBartlett opened 2 years ago

RobinBartlett commented 2 years ago

When I click on "Pages", I see a list of category names (i.e. group, wiki) and languages (DE, EN, FR). If I select a category name it goes on to show pages and their number of users (smartmap), but also include versions of the page with language names in the page name (smartmap?locale=de_CH). If I select a language it goes on to show all the pages with the language. I see the homepage therefore listed 3 times: homepage, homepage/de and DE - homepage. In order to figure out the total number of visitors for a specific page, I need to add all three numbers for all four languages. This is very confusing und subject to mistakes. On the other hand, if I want to know what percentage of my users are using the website in which language, I have very limited data. Most pages are listed in general. My suggestion is simple and would be very helpful - show the number of visitors per page (regardless of language). And if there was an additional feature, that showed for each page what number of visitors viewed the page in each language.

We use Matomo analytics for our website We use Matomo 3.6.0. and have no additional plugins.

Screenshot 2021-11-02 at 09 56 23 Screenshot 2021-11-02 at 09 56 57
sgiehl commented 2 years ago

Hi @RobinBartlett Thanks for creating the issue. If you want to track the page regardless of any language you could simply manipulate the tracked page url on you website. See for details. That would on the other side mean, you will loose the detail of the language in the url. If you need that in any way, you could also use a custom dimensions for the language.

RobinBartlett commented 2 years ago

Hi, so is there anyway to check on Matomo which language visitors have selected while using the website?

sgiehl commented 2 years ago

If you want to have that information you need to track that in any way. I guess on your website you can easily access this information. If you track it to Matomo using a custom dimension you can afterwards see it in Matomo. See