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Install with errors, not tracking #5005

Closed anonymous-matomo-user closed 9 years ago

anonymous-matomo-user commented 10 years ago

The Problem Piwik shows no evidence of any tracked site activity.

Actions taken I read and worked through these to no avail...

I posted to the forum (,113983) and matt told me to try 2.2.0 RC2 and post here if it didn't help. I tried it, and it didn't help. The install for 2.2.0 RC2 was flawed as is described below, but only one screen told me to go back to the beginning instead of most of them.

Environment Im using Gandi.nets SimpleHosting PHP Version 5.4.4-14+deb7u7.5 Piwik 2.1.0

Flawed install The install wizard was flaky. For each page of the wizard, the first time submitting the form would crash the wizard and direct me to the start. The second time would work with a warning that I had already done that step (for example, the second time I tried to set up the database, it warned me that tables already exist delete them before proceeding).

Admin interface The interface seems to work well. Adding sites and users works fine. Under Settings>System Check, Im only warned about my NFS filesystem and Geolocation server

Apache My apache log registers the incoming javascript: <MY IP ADDRESS> - - +0000 "GET /piwik/piwik.php?action_name=Good%20Looking%20Software&idsite=1&rec=1&r=080766&h=10&m=55&s=59& HTTP/1.1" 200 43

PHP Havent found a php error

MySQL piwik_log_visit table is empty. piwik_log_link_visit_action is not empty piwik_log_action lists all of the pages on my site that have been visited since installing Piwik.

FPM log I did get an error in fpm.log which is attached. I'm not able to recreate this error so it might be an automatic process or something else I fixed already. It was basically this (more below): 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "The Piwik URL does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was 'Usage: -R, allow-to-run-as-root" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Allow pool to run as root (disabled by default)"

Next Steps Any ideas? I don't know where to look next.

Thank you!

more from FPM log 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "Error in the last Piwik archive.php run: " 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "The Piwik URL does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was 'Usage: -R, allow-to-run-as-root" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Allow pool to run as root (disabled by default)" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " [-e [-i [-v [-p <prefix> <pid> <file> [foo=bar] <file>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -n No php.ini file will be used" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -h This help" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -i PHP information" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -m Show compiled in modules" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -v Version number" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -p, --prefix <dir>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Specify alternative prefix path to FastCGI process manager (default: php5-fpm)." 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -g, --pid <file>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Specify the PID file location." 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -y, --fpm-config <file>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Specify alternative path to FastCGI process manager config file." 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -t, --test Test FPM configuration and exit" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "'." 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Here is the full errors output:" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "---------------------------" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "INIT" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "Querying Piwik API at:" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "Running Piwik 2.1.0 as Super User: <MY SUPERUSER NAME>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "ERROR: The Piwik URL does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was 'Usage: -R, allow-to-run-as-root" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Allow pool to run as root (disabled by default)" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " [-e [-i [-v [-p <prefix> <pid> <file> [foo=bar] <file>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -n No php.ini file will be used" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -h This help" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -i PHP information" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -m Show compiled in modules" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -v Version number" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -p, --prefix <dir>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Specify alternative prefix path to FastCGI process manager (default: php5-fpm)." 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -g, --pid <file>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Specify the PID file location." 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -y, --fpm-config <file>" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " Specify alternative path to FastCGI process manager config file." 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: " -t, --test Test FPM configuration and exit" 14:46:15 WARNING: www child 12577 said into stderr: "'."

mattab commented 10 years ago

see also similar: #5007 Error when running cron:archive: Response was 'Console ToolUsage: [options] command....

anonymous-matomo-user commented 10 years ago

I can only agree to this issue. By using curl, as in the debug pages of the site, it works, and my Database gets filled. When I use the Javascript, or the image, it doesn't work. What I do see as a difference, is that the curl command uses "?" and the javascript uses "&". I don't know, what changed, but to me, this looks like a bug somewhere in the code? Without trying to mess up the ticket more, my php does not provide any errors. - - +0200 "GET /piwik.php?action_name=NON-RFC%20Compliant%20Mailserver%20Error%20Mail&idsite=2&rec=1&r=170866&h=13&m=56&s=24& HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.116 Safari/537.36" - - +0200 "GET /piwik.php?action_name=NON-RFC%20Compliant%20Mailserver%20Error%20Mail&idsite=2&rec=1&r=168583&h=13&m=56&s=56& HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.116 Safari/537.36"

mattab commented 10 years ago

Note to self: The flakyness of the installer could be caused by the NFS filesystem, maybe that does not work well at install times while the database is not ready yet to handle the sessions. See related: #4990

mattab commented 10 years ago

@Haringstad @goodlookingsoftware please upgrade to 2.2.0. Then see instructions here to debug piwik.php requests.

Do you see any error in the output?

anonymous-matomo-user commented 10 years ago

@mattab: Did that already. I have been testing with several versions, but all in the 2.* range seem to have this problem. If you like, I can give you ssh access to my machine, so that way, you can investigate what is going on. I even installed the git version. And, when I use the instructions to enable the debugging in piwik.php, I still do not see anything....

mattab commented 10 years ago

@Haringstad can you try again the debugging of piwik.php requests with

debug = 1

in your config/config.ini.php ? what output do you see?

mattab commented 10 years ago

Also reported in,114534

mattab commented 10 years ago

In 719221372ffbd1be66ef65c4ad40c2604662c44f: Refs #5005 Delete the config file when it is found, during installation, to prevent unexpected bugs

mattab commented 10 years ago

In a96c6b0990d6e9af1b7dc4d2ba27786b92a2c354: Fixes #5005 Reset the PluginsInstalled array from the config file, so the status is set correctly when re-installing Piwik and creating new tables

anonymous-matomo-user commented 10 years ago

Ok, Matt, I found out, that in the previous version (just updated right now to 2.2.1-b1) I had to disable the 'Support Do Not Track preference', so disobeying the browsers question to ignore. Then, from all kinds of interfaces, it started to work. Because, even when I disabled it in my browsers, when it was 'Enabled', nothing would show up. I am going to check what happens if I turn it back on in this version 2.2.1-b1.

mattab commented 10 years ago

@Haringstad I'm not sure I understand what you said... but if you find a bug in Piwik, please create a new ticket, with instructions to reproduce, we will be happy to fix it!

djowett commented 10 years ago

I have what I think is the same error @Haringstad mentioned.

I've had no visits recorded since 18th April (it's not so huge for me), I've only upgraded from 2.1.0 to 2.2.2 today but it still wasn't recording visits normally. It was only when I turned off DoNotTrack that I found it started recording visits.

I used the Debug = 1 thing you mentioned & I also found that when I had DoNotTrack enabled it DIDN'T MATTER what DoNotTrack setting was set to in Firefox, I still had the following header in the piwik url: -H 'DNT: 1'

followed by <pre>DEBUG PrivacyManager11:55:11 [580da] DoNotTrack found.</pre> <pre>DEBUG Piwik\Common11:55:11 [580da] Visitor excluded.</pre>

I used Firebug > Copy to cURL. I have Noscript installed in Firefox, but disabled for now.

I can send you the debug output if you like.

I wonder if there's something wrong with how piwik.js is setting DNT header?

regards, Daniel

mattab commented 10 years ago

It may be caused by Noscript even disabled, I had this issue before that it was still enabling DoNotTrack. Or it may be another browser extension.

unless you have an error message, it may be best to discuss it in forum:

anonymous-matomo-user commented 10 years ago

I've updated to 2.4.0 and it still doesn't work for me.

It looks like Matt closed it but I can't figure out what the resolution is.

I still have the same symptoms. This is still true and seems to be a big clue:

MySQL piwik_log_visit table is empty. piwik_log_link_visit_action is not empty piwik_log_action lists all of the pages on my site that have been visited since installing Piwik.