matortheeternal / smash

An application that provides a means of performing automatic conflict resolution between multiple Bethesda Plugin Files for TES and Fallout games.
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Manage Tags saves plugin even if user cancels form #192

Open mentaltyranny opened 6 years ago

mentaltyranny commented 6 years ago

As discussed here, I'm using version 1.0.2 and I used the "bash tags for Wyre Bash" script to detect the appropriate tags for all my plugins. After doing so, I wanted to fix some of the logics for the tags and Mator smash. In order to leave the default tags I simply cloned them and then made the necessary edits. However, what I did so I noticed Mator smash was not automatically updating the combined tag logic with my edits.

So I highlighted every plugin after the official plugins (unfortunately I highlighted the official high resolution pack as well, as LoS & USLEEP come before them in my load order, per STEP) and right clicked into "tags" then "manage tags". For any mod that the detect bash tags detected, I replaced it my tag, making sure that my "Apply combined setting" checkbox was ticked. Your program started with the first mod highlighted LoS, then automatically moved to USLEEP, ect., saving me tons of right clicks. For any mod without a tag (or no tags at all), I clicked "cancel" which moved me on to the next highlighted mod. I thought "awesome!," as it saved me hundreds of right clicks for my non-Bethesda mods of 138 plugins (135 if you exclude High Resolution Pack).

When I was done, I rebuilt my patch with the new settings, everything looked great... until I got back to MO, and noticed the following:

    • Have ".BAK" files in every mod - keep in mind only 60 of my 143 plugins have tags and associated settings; the rest I have no tags and set to skip (a part of my trial to build a better patch)
    • USLEEP plugin missing - this is the only one missing, but it was the first of 36 plugins where swapped a tag, and checked "Appl combined setting"
    • Official High Resolution Packs in Overwrite and missing for vanilla data folder - again, strange because they had no tags or settings, and I applied neither to them
    • Modern Brawl Bug Fix - size mismatch between the .esp and .bak file, again this is weird because I had it skipped and had no tags on it
matortheeternal commented 6 years ago

It appears you may have also experienced #197

matortheeternal commented 6 years ago

I did some testing and I was unable to recreate this issue with multi-selection or without multi-selection.

If you could provide a step-by-step process for me to follow to recreate the issue @mentaltyranny, I will fix it, but without being able to recreate it I can't fix anything.