matortheeternal / smash

An application that provides a means of performing automatic conflict resolution between multiple Bethesda Plugin Files for TES and Fallout games.
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Some leveled lists not forwarding records.. tried various bash tags #225

Closed AerowynX closed 5 years ago

AerowynX commented 5 years ago

tried smash.all, lev, relev and no matter what I can't get immersive weapons to forward its records.. wyre bash handles it fine.. any idea why it won't forward the records for IW? oddly it seems to forward the generic record but not the one specific to IW

AerowynX commented 5 years ago

never mind fixed it as other mods had delev tags and was preventing it from forwarding the records

AerowynX commented 5 years ago

well spoke to soon.. ran smash again and didn't change any tags this time and back to not forwarding the leveled lists again.. guess will just have to use wyre for leveled list and smash for everything else

oh forgot about the other smash tags.. will try override.all one

AerowynX commented 5 years ago

looks like Smash.OverrideAll solves this so guess not really an issue

AerowynX commented 5 years ago

so still having issue with immersive weapons.. no matter what tags I use it won't forward the records.. even if I copy the records to another mod and try to use forceall or override or anything else it just won't forward them.. can't figure this out as wyre bash has no problem with IW

this is with using override all tag

m0lz commented 5 years ago

Until Smash gets some kind of Bash Tagging system, I dont think it will ever be able to do levelled lists properly, so until then

After making a Smash Patch, Load up Wrye Bash and de-select the Smash Patch (untick it, so that Wrye Bash does not try to import the mess of levelled lists that Smash has done), then in the Rebuild Bashed Patch boxes just tick Levelled lists, Merge Patches and any Tweaks you want to use (the three things Mator Smash cannot do).

You will end up with a Bashed Patch which you need to load after the Smashed Patch, which has all your tweaks, merged patches and Levelled lists done like a boss

Then dont forget to select the Smash Patch as active again (Tick in the box in Wrye Bash)

Problem solved for now. Because the Bashed Patch is now loading later than the Smash Patch, the records of Levelled Lists in the Bashed Patch override and win anything in the Smash Patch

Fingers crossed Mator will get back to doing Smash some day and finish this project.

matortheeternal commented 5 years ago

You guys seem to be poorly informed about how smash decides to forward changes.

The problem you're having is because one of your plugins has ImmersiveWeapons.esp as a master, overrides leveled list records from it, and deletes the entries. Smash sees this as an "informed deletion" - viz., the plugin KNOWS ImmersiveWeapons.esp exists, saw its leveled list entries, and then decided to remove them from the game. Smash is simply following what your plugins are telling it to do. Preserving leveled list entries when a plugin knowingly removes them would be buggy behavior.

The only way to make that plugin NOT delete the entries from ImmersiveWeapons.esp is to disable "preserve deletions" for the Leveled List Items array in the smash setting used on that plugin.

"Bash Tags" are not an intended functional part of Mator Smash - they're only experimental. If you're using them in any capacity then you most likely don't know how Smash works.