Open quantiota opened 5 years ago
Could you try installing JupyterLab 1.0 instead? And make sure you use the last ipywidgets release?
Not possible because jupyterlab is shipped with tljh and at this time there is no update version.
On the tab nbextension I can see that
jupyter-matplotlib/extension jupyter-js-widgets/extension plotlywidget/extension
Are not compatible with tljh environment
"This nbextension is enabled in the notebook json config, but doesn't provide a yaml file to tell us how to configure it. You can still enable or disable it from here, though"
I am using jupyterlab 1.0.2 with the same error, I was following this example:
Hi there,
I just spent one complete afternoon trying various versions of modules ipywidgets and ipympl + lab extensions (jupyterlab-manager and jupyter-matplotlib) - and rebuilding lab - with our current jupyterlab (0.35.6): the best I can get from jupyterlab is "Error displaying widget" with matplotlib widgets (ipywidgets are working fine). Both ipywidgets and matplotlib widgets works in classic NB.
(We cannot upgrade to jlab 1.0+ because git extension is not ready yet).
I am available for tracking the issue, please let me know what to report/check in order to help.
The only thing you can do while keeping JupyterLab<1. is use ipywidgets 7.4 and ipympl 0.2.
Hi Martin and thanks for your reply.
That is exactly what I have now:
JupyterLab just rebuilt. ("jupyter lab build" command)
I don't exclude something messed up because of the massive trial and error session that went on yesterday. If my versions should work, what would you suggest to clean up the mess and have it working ?
OK ; since I could not get matplotlib widgets running on jlab 0.35, I took one test server and upgraded most packages to the latest version: jupyterlab (1.0.4) ipywidgets (7.5.1) ipympl (0.3.3) jupyterlab-git (0.8.0) and I uninstalled all extensions and added them one by one, testing them along the process: jlab-hub core extension (1.0.2), jupyterlab-manager (1.0.2), matplotlib (0.4.2), jlab/git (0.8.0), plotly-extension (1.0.0), jlab-bokeh (1.0.0). Everything now works ! Quite happy with the changes I see - I'm now upgrading all servers. It's good to be back on the latest version.
I guess staying on JupyterLab<1. and ipywidgets 7.4 + ipympl 0.2 would work too.
On the littlest jupyterhub environment
The example works fine on jupyterhub but I have the message "Error displaying widget" with jupyterlab
Jupyterlab 0.35.6 ipympl 0.3.3 Matplotlib 3.1.0 Jupyter-matplotlib 0.4.2