matplotlib / ipympl

Matplotlib Jupyter Integration
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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No interactive plots after a fresh installation through pipx #499

Closed fblanchetNaN closed 1 year ago

fblanchetNaN commented 1 year ago

NB: I don't know who is responsible exactly for the behavior I observe, maybe ipympl is totally fine.

How to reproduce:

  1. Install pipx : python -m pip install pipx
  2. Install jupyterlab : pipx install jupyterlab
  3. Inject ipympl : pipx inject jupyterlab ipympl
  4. Run a cell with the following piece of code:
    %matplotlib widget
    from matplotlib import pyplot



Interactive overlay is here but not the plot itself (without the matplotlib magic, the static plot is fine).


- python             3.10.8    (3.10-dev from pyenv)
- pipx                  1.1.0
- **ipympl              0.9.2**
- **jupyter-matplotlib    0.11.2**
- **jupyterlab           3.5.0**
- **matplotlib           3.6.2**
- anyio                3.6.2
- argon2-cffi          21.3.0
- argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
- asttokens            2.2.0
- attrs                22.1.0
- Babel                2.11.0
- backcall             0.2.0
- beautifulsoup4       4.11.1
- bleach               5.0.1
- certifi              2022.9.24
- cffi                 1.15.1
- charset-normalizer   2.1.1
- comm                 0.1.1
- contourpy            1.0.6
- cycler               0.11.0
- debugpy              1.6.4
- decorator            5.1.1
- defusedxml           0.7.1
- entrypoints          0.4
- executing            1.2.0
- fastjsonschema       2.16.2
- fonttools            4.38.0
- idna                 3.4
- ipykernel            6.18.2
- ipython              8.7.0
- ipython-genutils     0.2.0
- ipywidgets           8.0.2
- jedi                 0.18.2
- Jinja2               3.1.2
- json5                0.9.10
- jsonschema           4.17.1
- jupyter_client       7.4.7
- jupyter_core         5.1.0
- jupyter-server       1.23.3
- jupyterlab-pygments  0.2.2
- jupyterlab_server    2.16.3
- jupyterlab-widgets   3.0.3
- kiwisolver           1.4.4
- MarkupSafe           2.1.1
- matplotlib-inline    0.1.6
- mistune              2.0.4
- nbclassic            0.4.8
- nbclient             0.7.1
- nbconvert            7.2.5
- nbformat             5.7.0
- nest-asyncio         1.5.6
- notebook             6.5.2
- notebook_shim        0.2.2
- numpy                1.23.5
- packaging            21.3
- pandocfilters        1.5.0
- parso                0.8.3
- pexpect              4.8.0
- pickleshare          0.7.5
- Pillow               9.3.0
- pip                  22.3.1
- platformdirs         2.5.4
- prometheus-client    0.15.0
- prompt-toolkit       3.0.33
- psutil               5.9.4
- ptyprocess           0.7.0
- pure-eval            0.2.2
- pycparser            2.21
- Pygments             2.13.0
- pyparsing            3.0.9
- pyrsistent           0.19.2
- python-dateutil      2.8.2
- pytz                 2022.6
- pyzmq                24.0.1
- requests             2.28.1
- Send2Trash           1.8.0
- setuptools           65.6.3
- six                  1.16.0
- sniffio              1.3.0
- soupsieve            2.3.2.post1
- stack-data           0.6.2
- terminado            0.17.0
- tinycss2             1.2.1
- tomli                2.0.1
- tornado              6.2
- traitlets            5.6.0
- urllib3              1.26.13
- wcwidth              0.2.5
- webencodings         0.5.1
- websocket-client     1.4.2
- wheel                0.38.4
- widgetsnbextension   4.0.3
- jupyterlab_pygments    0.2.2
- @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager    5.0.3 
fblanchetNaN commented 1 year ago


It was due to ipykernel version that is now yanked: