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[MNT]: Slowly move towards pyproject.toml? #23815

Open oscargus opened 1 year ago

oscargus commented 1 year ago


I was considering moving parts of and setup.cfg to pyproject.toml. As I understand it, it is possible to mix and match, so whatever can be moved (I can move) will cooperate with what is left.

Since we have a with a bit of magic in it, I do no expect that I will be able to completely transition, but is it worthwhile even starting? Or do we expect that moving away from (which I guess should be the long term goal) requires more or less rewriting everything anyway, possibly changing packaging tool etc?

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ianthomas23 commented 1 year ago

I am in favour of this. The pybind11 work becomes much simpler if we at least replace setup_requires in with [build-system] in pyproject.toml. I was going to talk about it tomorrow's call.

FWIW Bokeh has just made this transition.

oscargus commented 1 year ago

I gave it a quick try to just move over the more basic things and got stuck in that setupext could not be imported from anymore. I take it that it executes from another directory or something so that it does not find

Copying the contents doesn't seem like the best way to solve it...

ianthomas23 commented 1 year ago

A temporary environment is used to build a wheel which is then installed into your working environment. The temporary environment doesn't seem to have access to the full project directory.

I have had success with:

  1. Removing the setup_requires section from

  2. New pyproject.toml containing

    build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
    requires = [
  3. Add the following line to just before import setupext:


so basically botching the sys.path so that it can find

oscargus commented 1 year ago

I've seen some problems with numpy versions. My guess is that using pyproject.toml somehow uses a different version of NumPy headers than possibly installed. For example, when installing using 1.22 installed I got an error about not matching API versions, which I didn't get with a plain install, while upgrading to 1.23 (and reinstalling, so not completely sure) I didn't. Seen similar problems with another package with a much simpler install procedure as well.

Note that in both cases, the actual compilation happened in, so moving all the way may be a solution.

tacaswell commented 1 year ago

@oscargus See for the numpy API version issue.