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DOC: make fonts and styling more consistent with pydatatheme #7

Closed jklymak closed 2 years ago

jklymak commented 2 years ago

We probably should just be linking with the main cite's theme.css, however I think it is nice to make the fonts and colouring consistent.

jklymak commented 2 years ago




choldgraf commented 2 years ago

A random thought - have you considered just reusing the pydata theme for this site as well? I think that with a little bit of custom CSS, that theme could be repurposed as a brochure site pretty nicely. I can see pros and cons, but just throwing the idea out there in case it hadn't been discussed before.

In conjunction with something like this could be a good combo for more "splashy" sites

jklymak commented 2 years ago

I agree with that. I'm not sure why it is using all its own css currently. I'm just making the simple things agree so we can get this out the door. But I think longer term it should just use the same css as the main site, plus it's own custom css.

Part of the organizational problem is that by splitting things out we don't have an easy way to share the latest version of the css among the sub projects. Maybe we need a GitHub action to pull the main doc pages css for each PR...

choldgraf commented 2 years ago

Totally makes sense - one pattern that I've found helpful is to do what Dask does - they have a very lightweight "Dask theme" that all of their sub-projects use:

If you go to, there's a top-bar there that is added by the theme. That topbar is hard-coded so it's the same across all Dask sub-projects.

That way they can standardize CSS and structure in one place - I also implemented a similar pattern for 2i2c here in case it's of interest:

(note that those are both sub-themes of the sphinx book theme, not the pydata theme, but the idea is the same!)

jklymak commented 2 years ago

@tacaswell can we set up matplotlib/matplotlib-sphinx-theme GitHub project? This would help the landing page, the main page, the third party page and anyone else who wanted their docs to track our theme. If we end up not using it we could always delete it.

jklymak commented 2 years ago

BTW, I'm not particularly wed to the pydata theme - if we want to use different fonts and colors etc, thats fine w/ me. However, I think they need to be (mostly) the same.

timhoffm commented 2 years ago

Generally, I think it's not important but nice that scientific python projects use a Common recognizable theme. That increases brand identity. OTOH I find it important that there are still difference so that we still have a project identity and I can see that I'm in the Matplotlib docs and not in NumPy or pandas. Color is great Forsthaus distinction (maybe also font).

jklymak commented 2 years ago

Sorry for not being clear. This PR makes the front page consistent with our version of the pydata theme. The discussion above is how to share those customizations among our sub projects

timhoffm commented 2 years ago

Ok, it makes sense to have a uniform styling on the front page and all other pages. However, I'm not sure which way we want to go style-wise. Is our version ov the pydata theme or the front page the desired style, or maybe a mixture of both.

Ping @dorafc: Is the current style choice on the front page an intentional design choice or only a basic style to get started?

jklymak commented 2 years ago

I'll move to draft because I don't think this should be merged as-is. We should have a common theme available for all the subsites. This PR is definitely not meaning to choose how that theme looks. But once it is homogenized, its pretty easy to tweak the whole thing.

jklymak commented 2 years ago

This was subsumed into #11