matplotlib / mplfinance

Financial Markets Data Visualization using Matplotlib
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How do i get renko values without ploting the chart? #651

Closed kaleab-shumet closed 7 months ago

kaleab-shumet commented 7 months ago

Ask anything you want about mplfinance usage, project philosophy and/or priorities, or anything else related to mplfinance. How do i get renko values without ploting the chart? I used return_calculated_values to get the data but i do not want the chart to be displayed?

DanielGoldfarb commented 7 months ago

If you set returnfig=True then mplfinance will not display the figure.

As noted in the documentation "when returnfig=True then mplfinance assumes you want to do some of your own modifications to the Figure or Axes objects before displaying them, so it does not show the figure. Therefore, when you are ready to show the figure, call" Of course, you can always choose to never call if you don't want to display the figure.

Note: if you do this many times repeatedly, then you may want to delete the Figure and Axes objects that are returned (or allow them to go out of scope and be garbage collected) so that you don't end up with a memory leak.

kaleab-shumet commented 7 months ago

Ok, Thank You !