matrix-hacks / matrix-puppet-facebook

a puppetted facebook bridge
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FB user gets invited, joins and leaves the room every two minutes #74

Closed jeena closed 4 years ago

jeena commented 4 years ago

I'm having those messages in the room where I try to chat with my brother who is on Facebook:

00:02 Karlo Sono V. Dach (FB) invited Jeena Pa (FB).
00:02 Jeena Pa (FB) joined the room.
00:02 left the room.

And on the timestamp I see that this is happening every other minute, so now I have hudreds of those messages in there and I don't really understand what is happening here. Why does my brothers account invite my account in here on matrix? My normal matrix user is already here.


jeena commented 4 years ago

I realized that this is the wrong repo, I was using a different implementation so I moved it to