Open Half-Shot opened 3 years ago
time="2020-12-18T15:16:18.087739926Z" level=error msg="helpers.CheckAuthEvents failed for event, rejecting event" func="processRoomEvent\n\t" file=" []" auth_event_ids="[$pMrgHzPcFE3JkFCeNdWlT530oPVSNOry_n_6Yyw_Aww $gctSxKL5BC7cY9ZeLjCIg0GtSQxznduM3YwYxSHg7Yw $2WOZKyOsEHn-MOFaOP8eRfaGQc3CgALdMV8s2yxNgyE]" error="eventauth: \"\" is not allowed to change their membership from \"leave\" to \"join\"" event_id="$SmAE-QDJHF_cBn4hw5K4m207DqeoyS9oecFMZz7OYf8"
time="2020-12-18T15:16:18.096811583Z" level=info msg="Error authing soft-failed event" func="processRoomEvent\n\t" file=" []" error="eventauth: \"\" is not allowed to change their membership from \"leave\" to \"join\"" event_id="$SmAE-QDJHF_cBn4hw5K4m207DqeoyS9oecFMZz7OYf8" room="!"
It thought you had left prior to the display name change. Looks like it was hammering /get_missing_events
which is probably how the state became so confused.
This sounds like it was a state reset.
Dendrite believes that I ( am not in
despite being joined from the point of view of the rest of the world. This time it seemed to break when I changed my profile (and so did a join-> join membership change).force-leave.log.gz