Dendrite version or git SHA: e46a61c49e5a0116b5df3df34a95cf5b8c811a8d built via
Monolith or Polylith?: Mono
SQLite3 or Postgres?: Postgres
Running in Docker?: Yes
go version: Not sure but likely not relevant
Client used (if applicable): Element Web/Android
What is the problem: Thumbnails regularly fail to load for a long time. This includes user avatars, room avatars and images in the timeline. Fetching the images themselves appears to work fine, because saving a broken image from the timeline produces a regular image with no delay. Only thumbnail generation appears to be affected.
Who is affected: Users on the dendrite instance
How is this bug manifesting: Images in timeline are blank, room and user avatars fallback to the placeholder.
When did this first appear: A few versions back, not sure when exactly. Didn't take note at the time because I put it down to poor internet connection.
Steps to reproduce
Sign in to account on Dendrite instance on Element Web
Switch between spaces and notice that some of the room thumbnails fail to appear when switching back or when clearing cache and reloading
These steps are likely not complete, but I'm not sure what else is relevant. It has crossed my mind that I have some rooms whose icons are unfetchable as they're stored on servers which are now dead. Not sure if that is relevant at all.
Background information
go version
: Not sure but likely not relevantDescription
Steps to reproduce
These steps are likely not complete, but I'm not sure what else is relevant. It has crossed my mind that I have some rooms whose icons are unfetchable as they're stored on servers which are now dead. Not sure if that is relevant at all.