matrix-org / matrix-appservice-irc

Node.js IRC bridge for Matrix
Apache License 2.0
460 stars 149 forks source link

The official network wishlist for / Element #208

Open ara4n opened 7 years ago

ara4n commented 7 years ago


Right now we're not letting people bridge to arbitrary networks of their choice, but curating the bridges we set up (in order to ensure that we connect at scale to those networks in a way that doesn't upset them, and get permission first, setup I:lines etc, add the networks to Riot's official config.json etc).

So let's have an official backlog here for the networks that folks want to be connected to. Ones i've already heard about are:

Room alias format is listed here for non-Riot clients which don't support the new room directory API.

⚡️ indicates the network has IPv6 support (or at least advertising on IPv6 addresses). This makes it much easier for us to connect to because we don't need to maintain separate ident servers, so they will get chosen first.

No planned support / previously supported but not anymore:

Folks: if you have particular networks you want bridged, please add them here.

Edit by @Kegsay : If your comment has a party popper then congrats! It's on The List.

2017-01-11 status update by @Kegsay : Over the past few months we've encountered various fun and exciting failure modes with our existing set of IRC bridges. For example, we got invite spammed from IRC which resulted in , we need to resolve the issue of idle users on the matrix side ( , ), we needed to scale our startup times ( ), allow people to persist NickServ passwords ( ), prevent NickServ/ChanServ/etc from being rate-limited on the matrix-side ( ), etc. As a result, we're still ironing out the UX on the IRC bridge. Once this has stabilised, we'll be consulting this list to work out how to proceed expanding the set of IRC networks we offer. Thank you for your patience.

2017-03-02 status update by @Kegsay : We are now bridging GIMPNet and have removed W3C support due to them dropping their IPv6-enabled IRCd.

2017-05-22 status update by @Kegsay:

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 7 years ago

oh thanks for splaining i thought it was the power of adult male brony/bronie fans of the my little pony show showing more influence but maybe if as the above links show that undernet and dalnet have ipv6 we could give a go of adfing them to the toppost/op until matrix can handle the extra load thanks

Xe commented 7 years ago

@ara4n I pulled down the ponychat bridge, it was difficult to debug or introspect given the service is written in node.js.

ara4n commented 7 years ago

okay. since those days the bridge has got way better fwiw, and even has a manhole for realtime introspection and debugging (but in general one should never need to do so, unless dealing with something huge like FN)

jaller94 commented 7 years ago

Paranode ( would be awesome as it hosts the local Freifunk community of Cologne, Bonn and the surrounding area.

silkeh commented 7 years ago

There is now a bridge to IRCnet:

packetcat commented 7 years ago

I'd like to request a bridge to All servers are IPv6 enabled and that RR has AAAA records.

Let me know what exempts I have to add.

daurnimator commented 6 years ago

Could you please add (port 6697, ssl only)?

I'm an admin, so happy for you to reach out to me if you need changes on our end.

ghost commented 6 years ago would be nice. That's where Varnish is developed. 👍

henk717 commented 6 years ago

Here is another vouch for, these host the channels of the HL2 server community. Main interest is for #sourcemod and #nfo-support.

zeenix commented 6 years ago

I recently switched to using matrix for my IRC needs. I can connect to GNOME, Freenode and Mozilla IRC so most of my needs are already satisfied. However, there is one channel on IRCNet that I need to connect to and I wouldn't want to run two different chat clients just for being able to connect to one additional channel. So here is a big :+1: for IRCNet.

kegsay commented 6 years ago

@zeenix -

zeenix commented 6 years ago

@Kegsay hm.. weird. I tried and and ended up on empty channels, although I can see from xchat that they are not empty.

silkeh commented 6 years ago

@zeenix you can join for support.

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 6 years ago

hey howzabout we get nets with moor peeps b4 bowing 2 furry n mlp brony/bronie freaks eh? thur are lotsa sex chans on matrix now. if thes small groops want to mix thur matrix n irc they prob got control on irc net. let em run a matrix and irc bridge. the pub matrix is for big irc that needs big machines nd maybe ask irc powers. butt mabe ip6 dont kneed iline if all get each owned ip addy. butt sum big nets r lef out

eggy commented 6 years ago

Please feel free to reach out to me for adding an officially supported bridge to IRCHighWay ( I'm part of the appropriate admin team to help with implementation. (On a side note, I started looking into setting up a bridge to IRCHighWay through my own hosted HS which is how I stumbled upon this particular issue).

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 6 years ago

K, I am not all the time the best with writings but I try. Anyone else ? No, huh? @eggy maybe get support on which also goes by bridge 2 Freenode #irc-matrix yeah?

locutis-of-borg-1999 commented 6 years ago

Now. Can some tell on some IRC nets with ipv6 if iline is a thing or not ? If a net has ipv6 and do not care to need iline as well it should be easy but I ask not tell

andrewshadura commented 6 years ago

Can we please have bridged? There's a UTF-8 port, the default is a non-UTF-8 encoding; the network supports non-Latin characters in the nicknames, but they should be from the CP1251 range.

mbe24 commented 6 years ago

It was already mentioned in late 2016 and mid 2017, but please: Quakenet.

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

Can Ponychat IRC be added?

DinizCabreira commented 6 years ago

IRC-Hispano is a huge spanish-language (mostly) network. Having it on board might drag a lot of users into Matrix and Riot.

According to their statistics, they have between 15k and 29k simultaneous users, and nearly 3 million users per month.

klppl commented 6 years ago

+1 Quakenet :)

grahamperrin commented 6 years ago

Please vote on existing comments (don't add +1 comments).

grahamperrin commented 6 years ago maybe?

Or is the w3 case under the umbrella of the W3C comment?

… removed W3C support due to them dropping their IPv6-enabled IRCd. …

ghost commented 6 years ago

In case anyone's wondering what's changing in the top post, now exists.

(Not much to see yet, but if you come upon this later there should be more history.)

532910 commented 6 years ago

I vote for!

all-the-good-ones-are-gone commented 6 years ago

I'll throw one in for

sdier commented 6 years ago


sjn commented 6 years ago

Yeah, access would be lovely.

What needs to be in place (other than IPv6 access) for this to happen?

raboof commented 6 years ago

I'd love to see bridged. They seem to have an IPv6 endpoint available.

DanitiKain commented 5 years ago some of the linux distros are starting to use this irc network one of them being Linux Mint distro. #linuxmint-help

lord-re commented 5 years ago

What's required on the ircd side to bridge with matrix ? Just upping the userlimits on a specified IP ? As a netadmin of i would gladly do this to bridge with matrix.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@lord-re At the basic level, yes. Are you also offering to run the bridge?

lord-re commented 5 years ago

@Matrixcoffee if it runs easily on a linux host, why not ?

ghost commented 5 years ago

@lord-re Since you also need to run your own Matrix server with the bridge, you'll have a non-trivial amount of extra maintenance load on your hands. It is the only self-service way, though. Maybe someone else you trust wants to run it for you.

I don't think the Matrix team is "hiring" new networks at the time, as the bridges and server are overloaded enough. However, if you want to formally request bridging as network staff, your best bet is to get the contact address off of, and email them.

lord-re commented 5 years ago

Hosting a full matrix instance with its DB feels a bit too much work… We'll pass on that for the moment.

edkalrio commented 5 years ago

I've found some cool channels in and

Spydar007 commented 5 years ago

FTR, Foonetic IRC has shut down and the main XKCD channels moved to Slashnet:

herzenschein commented 5 years ago

Please add as well. :)

V1TA5 commented 5 years ago

Hackint please ( )

Mikaela commented 5 years ago

Hackint is unlikely to be bridged as they explicitly forbid Matrix bridging.

Additionally we want to express clearly, that we disallow the bridging of Matrix in general, since some of these issues are universal to its bridging stack and at the same time intolerable.

V1TA5 commented 5 years ago

Oh yes youre right.

ssweeny commented 5 years ago

I'd love to see PSIGenix (

almereyda commented 4 years ago

There are also plenty of Networks mentionned on that could be compared to the ones presented here.

BeatLink commented 4 years ago doesnt work anymore :/

heftig commented 4 years ago doesnt work anymore :/

Rizon turned off their bridge after the break-in and didn't turn it on again.

BeatLink commented 4 years ago

Ahh I see. Would you guys want to edit the main description to show that the bridge isn't up?

SimonSapin commented 4 years ago maybe?

Or is the w3 case under the umbrella of the W3C comment?

… removed W3C support due to them dropping their IPv6-enabled IRCd. …

IPv6 appears to be fixed for It’d be nice for the bridge to be restored, thanks!

$ host -t AAAA is an alias for has IPv6 address 2603:400a:ffff:804:801e:34:0:79
$ nc -v -6 6667
Connection to 6667 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
Matombo commented 4 years ago

What's the reason IRCnet is crossed out in the list in the first post?

silkeh commented 4 years ago

What's the reason IRCnet is crossed out in the list in the first post?

Because there is an IRCnet bridge: