matrix-org / matrix-bifrost

General purpose bridging with a variety of backends including libpurple and xmpp.js
Apache License 2.0
162 stars 31 forks source link

Bot don't answer to any message #126

Open Josue-T opened 4 years ago

Josue-T commented 4 years ago


I've tried to setup this bridge. The bridge don't answer to any command. I've tried the command explained here but nothing.

Here is my log of the bridge:

root@hostname:/opt/matrix-bifrost# bash

> matrix-bifrost@0.1.8 build /opt/matrix-bifrost
> tsc

> matrix-bifrost@0.1.8 start /opt/matrix-bifrost
> node build/src/Program.js -c config.yaml "--port" "3642"

Jul-26 23:32:35.525 INFO cli Loading config file %s /opt/matrix-bifrost/config.yaml
Jul-26 23:32:35.982 INFO Program Starting purple bridge on port 29320
Jul-26 23:32:36.149 INFO Program Selecting node-purple as a backend
Jul-26 23:32:37.221 INFO Program Enabling metrics
Jul-26 23:32:37.330 INFO PgDatstore Starting postgres database engine
Jul-26 23:32:37.836 INFO PgDatstore Database schema is at version v2
Jul-26 23:32:38.195 WARN bridge [-] POST http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/r0/register (AS) HTTP 400 Error: "{\"errcode\":\"M_USER_IN_USE\",\"error\":\"User ID already taken.\"}"
Jul-26 23:32:38.305 INFO RoomAliasSet Loaded 1 regexes
Jul-26 23:32:38.309 INFO Program Bridge has started.
Jul-26 23:32:38.313 INFO PurpleInstance Starting purple instance
Jul-26 23:32:38.315 INFO PurpleInstance Plugin search path is set to  /opt/matrix-bifrost/node_modules/node-purple/deps/libpurple

(process:25382): GLib-CRITICAL **: 23:32:38.318: g_hash_table_insert_internal: assertion 'hash_table != NULL' failed

(process:25382): GLib-CRITICAL **: 23:32:38.319: g_hash_table_insert_internal: assertion 'hash_table != NULL' failed

** (process:25382): CRITICAL **: 23:32:38.320: purple_dbus_register_pointer: assertion 'map_node_id' failed
Jul-26 23:32:38.886 INFO PurpleInstance Started purple instance
Jul-26 23:32:38.891 INFO PurpleInstance Got supported protocols: prpl-aim prpl-gg prpl-novell prpl-icq prpl-irc prpl-simple prpl-threepl prpl-jabber prpl-zephyr
Jul-26 23:32:38.896 INFO RoomSync Beginning sync
Jul-26 23:32:38.913 INFO RoomSync Got 0 group rooms
Jul-26 23:32:38.915 INFO RoomSync Finished sync
Jul-26 23:32:38.917 INFO Program Initiation of bridge complete
Jul-27 18:08:22.702 INFO MatrixEventHandler Got invite from @user:domain.tld to !vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC:domain.tld
Jul-27 18:08:23.863 INFO MatrixEventHandler Created new 1 to 1 admin room
(node:24343) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: il n'existe aucune contrainte unique ou contrainte d'exclusion correspondant à la spécification ON CONFLICT
    at Connection.parseE (/opt/matrix-bifrost/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:604:11)
    at Connection.parseMessage (/opt/matrix-bifrost/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:401:19)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/opt/matrix-bifrost/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:121:22)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:198:13)
    at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:288:12)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:269:11)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:224:10)
    at TCP.onStreamRead [as onread] (internal/stream_base_commons.js:94:17)
(node:24343) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:24343) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

My registration config file:

id: purple-bridge
hs_token: TOKEN
as_token: OTHER_TOKEN
    - exclusive: true
      regex: '@purple_.+'
    - exclusive: true
      regex: '#purple_.+'
  rooms: []
url: 'http://localhost:29320'
sender_localpart: purplebot
rate_limited: true
protocols: null

My bitfrost config.yaml file:

  # Your homeserver server_name.
  domain: "domain.tld"
  # A internally reachable endpoint for the CS api of the homeserver.
  homeserverUrl: "http://localhost:8008"
  # Prefix of all users of the bridge.
  userPrefix: "purple_"
  # If homeserverUrl is not reachable publically, the public address that media can be reached on.
  # mediaserverUrl: ""
  # Set this to the port you want the bridge to listen on.
  appservicePort: 29320

  # The datastore engine to use, either "nedb" or "postgres"
  engine: "postgres"
  # For NeDB:
  #   Location of the user and room database files, by default will be stored in the working directory.
  # For Postgres:
  #   A postgres style connection string, e.g. "postgres://postgres:pass@localhost/bifrost"
  connectionString: "postgres://bifrost:pwd@localhost/bifrost"

  # For selecting a specific backend. One of "node-purple", "xmpp.js". Defaults to "node-purple"
  backend: "node-purple"
  # -- For xmpp.js - You need an existing xmpp server for this to work.
    # endpoint to reach the component on. The default port is 5347
    service: "xmpp://localhost:5347"
    # domin assigned to the component.
    domain: "matrix.localhost"
    # password needed by the component.
    password: "jam"

enableGateway: false
# Matrix forwards room aliases join requests matching a regex in the
# registration file to the owner's bridge, if the room doesn't exist.
# The following options allow you to configure how the purple bridge may
# match those aliases to remote rooms.
  # Enable gateway support for protocols that support them, e.g. xmpp.js
  enableGateway: false
  # List of regexes to match a alias that can be turned into a bridge.
    # This matches _purple_ followed by anything
      # Use the prpl-jabber protocol.
      protocol: "prpl-jabber"
        # Set room to the first regex match
        room: "regex:1"
        # Set the server to be conf.localhost
        server: "conf.localhost"
    # For xmpp.js, please use:

# Automatically register users with accounts if they join/get invited
# a room with a protocol they are not bound to.
# This is REQUIRED for xmpp.js to work.
  enabled: true
# For xmpp.js, please use:
    type: "implicit"
      username: "<T_LOCALPART>@matrix.localhost"

# Set up access controls for the bridge
# access:
#   accountCreation:
#     whitelist:
#       - "^@.*:yourdomain$"

# Available subsitution variables for parameters:
# <T_MXID> - The users mxid.
# <T_MXID_SANE> - The users mxid, with an : replaced with _ and the @ discarded.
# <T_DOMAIN> - The users domain.
# <T_LOCALPART> - The users localpart.
# <T_DISPLAYNAME> - The users displayname, or localpart if not set.
# <T_GENERATEPWD> - Generates a 32 char password
# <T_AVATAR> - The MXC url of the users avatar, if available.

## This is how to autoregister folks with prosody (xmpp)
## with the included lua script in extras. This applies to node-purple (NOT xmpp.js)
#   protocolSteps:
#       prpl-jabber:
#           type: "http"
#           path: "http://localhost:5280/register_account/"
#           opts:
#               method: "post"
#               usernameResult: null
#           parameters:
#               username: "m_<T_LOCALPART>"
#               nick: "<T_DISPLAYNAME>"
#               password: "<T_GENERATEPWD>"
#               auth_token: "bridge-token"
#               ip: ""
#           paramsToStore:
#               - password

# Enable prometheus metrics reporting.
# This will report metrics on /metrics on the same port as the bridge.
  enabled: true

  # Can users use ""!purple" in a room to bridge it to a group.
  enablePlumbing: false
  # Required power level to bridge a room into a group.
  requiredUserPL: 100

  # Set the logging level for stdout.
  # Lower levels are inclusive of higher levels e.g. info will contain warn and error logging.
  console: "info" # "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "off"
  # A list of files and their associated logging levels.
    "./info.log": "info"
    "./error.log": "error"
    "./warn.log": "warn"
#    "./debug.log": "debug"

# These are specific flags or values to tune the bridge to different setups.
# The defaults are usually fine, but adjust as needed.
    # Do not send a message or join a room before setting a users profile for
    # the first time. This should help clients hide ugly mxids better behind
    # displaynames.
    waitOnProfileBeforeSend: true
    #  A nasty hack to check the domain for conf* to see if the PM is coming from a MUC.
    # This is only really needed for legacy clients that don't implement xmlns.
    # This is specific to the XMPP.js bridge.
    # conferencePMFallbackCheck: false
    # Don't send messages from the remote protocol until we have seen them join.
    # A list of prefixes to check for a userId.
    # This is useful for talking to remote IRC users who might not see a message
    # until after they have joined.
    # waitOnJoinBeforePM: string[];

My synapse log when I send a message to the bot:

2020-07-26 23:47:28,252 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-69- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.004sec/-0.000sec (0.000sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/presence/%40username%3Adomain.tld/status HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:28,308 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - PUT-70- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.007sec/0.002sec (0.007sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "PUT /_matrix/client/r0/presence/%40username%3Adomain.tld/status HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,214 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-71- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.003sec/-0.000sec (0.000sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!sfJOrQuulmtfCdetIq%3Adomain.tld/typing/%40username%3Adomain.tld HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,304 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - PUT-72- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.064sec/0.003sec (0.015sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "PUT /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!sfJOrQuulmtfCdetIq%3Adomain.tld/typing/%40username%3Adomain.tld HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [1 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,386 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - GET-64- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 24.033sec/0.003sec (0.054sec, 0.006sec) (0.014sec/0.034sec/3) 1000B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=27&timeout=30000&since=s379287_6872553_0_216397_79939_3_687_96875_23 HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,565 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-73- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.004sec/-0.000sec (0.001sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=27&timeout=30000&since=s379287_6872555_1_216397_79939_3_687_96875_23 HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,777 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - GET-74- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.156sec/0.010sec (0.025sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 719B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=27&timeout=30000&since=s379287_6872555_1_216397_79939_3_687_96875_23 HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,781 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - PUT-75- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.063sec/0.007sec (0.023sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "PUT /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!sfJOrQuulmtfCdetIq%3Adomain.tld/typing/%40username%3Adomain.tld HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,797 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-76- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.003sec/-0.000sec (0.000sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!sfJOrQuulmtfCdetIq%3Adomain.tld/send/ HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:31,988 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-78- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.024sec/-0.001sec (0.002sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=27&timeout=30000&since=s379287_6872555_2_216397_79939_3_687_96875_23 HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:32,003 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-79- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.035sec/-0.000sec (0.000sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/publicised_groups HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:32,085 - twisted - 192 - INFO - - Timing out client: IPv6Address(type='TCP', host='::ffff:', port=33356, flowInfo=0, scopeID=0)
2020-07-26 23:47:32,104 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - POST-81- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.040sec/0.002sec (0.008sec, 0.000sec) (0.006sec/0.025sec/1) 34B 200 "POST /_matrix/client/r0/publicised_groups HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:32,494 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - PUT-77- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.631sec/0.004sec (0.105sec, 0.008sec) (0.039sec/0.086sec/10) 60B 200 "PUT /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!sfJOrQuulmtfCdetIq%3Adomain.tld/send/ HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [2 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:32,537 - synapse.metrics - 545 - INFO - - Collecting gc 1
2020-07-26 23:47:32,641 - synapse.appservice.scheduler - 78 - INFO - as_scheduler-0- Starting appservice scheduler
2020-07-26 23:47:32,683 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - GET-80- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.635sec/0.002sec (0.064sec, 0.006sec) (0.007sec/0.049sec/3) 1227B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=27&timeout=30000&since=s379287_6872555_2_216397_79939_3_687_96875_23 HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [1 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:32,906 - synapse.http.client - 281 - INFO - as-sender-purple-bridge-0- Sending request PUT http://localhost:29320/transactions/1?access_token=<redacted>
2020-07-26 23:47:33,096 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-82- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.034sec/-0.001sec (0.006sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/profile/%40username%3Adomain.tld HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:33,124 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-83- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.055sec/-0.000sec (0.002sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/keys/query HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:33,133 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-84- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.022sec/-0.000sec (0.000sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=27&timeout=30000&since=s379288_6872555_2_216397_79939_3_687_96875_23 HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:33,167 - synapse.http.client - 318 - INFO - as-sender-purple-bridge-0- Received response to PUT http://localhost:29320/transactions/1?access_token=<redacted>: 200
2020-07-26 23:47:33,234 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - GET-85- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.085sec/0.003sec (0.011sec, 0.002sec) (0.014sec/0.047sec/2) 29B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/profile/%40username%3Adomain.tld HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:33,241 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - POST-86- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.074sec/0.011sec (0.022sec, 0.000sec) (0.007sec/0.028sec/2) 5732B 200 "POST /_matrix/client/r0/keys/query HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:33,358 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - OPTIONS-88- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {None} Processed request: 0.003sec/-0.000sec (0.000sec, 0.000sec) (0.000sec/0.000sec/0) 2B 200 "OPTIONS /_matrix/client/unstable/room_keys/version HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
2020-07-26 23:47:33,596 - synapse.access.http.8008 - 312 - INFO - GET-89- 2a0a:db40:101:0:cc4:aeaa:7b9f:8182 - 8008 - {@username:domain.tld} Processed request: 0.048sec/0.002sec (0.017sec, 0.000sec) (0.008sec/0.029sec/2) 783B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/unstable/room_keys/version HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0" [0 dbevts]
Josue-T commented 4 years ago

Tried to run the bifrost in debug mode maybe these log could help:

Jul-27 18:08:22.651 debug PgDatstore Getting room !vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC:domain.tld
Jul-27 18:08:22.695 debug PgDatstore No rooms found
Jul-27 18:08:22.697 debug MatrixEventHandler Got event (id, type, sender, roomtype): $uqRFPjtx-fQwT2MxAYc8UM6or6KfqttEm85pzo1MAo8 @user:domain.tld null
Jul-27 18:08:22.699 debug MatrixEventHandler Handling invite from @user:domain.tld.
Jul-27 18:08:22.702 info MatrixEventHandler Got invite from @user:domain.tld to !vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC:domain.tld
Jul-27 18:08:22.718 debug bridge [-] POST http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/r0/join/!vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC%3Adomain.tld (AS) Body: "{}"
Jul-27 18:08:23.570 debug bridge [-] POST http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/r0/join/!vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC%3Adomain.tld (AS) HTTP 200 "{\"room_id\": \"!vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC:domain.tld\"}"
Jul-27 18:08:23.621 debug bridge [-] GET http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC%3Adomain.tld/joined_members (AS) Body:
Jul-27 18:08:23.843 debug bridge [-] GET http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC%3Adomain.tld/joined_members (AS) HTTP 200 "{\"joined\": {\"@user:domain.tld\": {\"avatar_url\": null, \"display_name\": \"J
Jul-27 18:08:23.854 debug PgDatstore Storing room !vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC:domain.tld
Jul-27 18:08:23.863 info MatrixEventHandler Created new 1 to 1 admin room
Jul-27 18:08:23.867 debug MatrixEventHandler Room protocol was null, we cannot handle this event!
Jul-27 18:08:23.960 debug bridge ::1 - - [27/Jul/2020:16:08:23 +0000] "PUT /transactions/6?access_token=<REDACTED> HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "-" "Synapse/1.17.0"

Jul-27 18:08:24.057 debug PgDatstore Getting room !vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC:domain.tld
Jul-27 18:08:24.101 debug PgDatstore No rooms found
Jul-27 18:08:24.104 debug MatrixEventHandler Got event (id, type, sender, roomtype): $ZwC-19bEGo76s4vEg9_opfSJFyNwW7HSAajM9n5Kdn4 @purplebot:domain.tld null
Jul-27 18:08:24.106 debug MatrixEventHandler Room protocol was null, we cannot handle this event!
Jul-27 18:09:18.778 debug bridge ::1 - - [27/Jul/2020:16:09:18 +0000] "PUT /transactions/7?access_token=<REDACTED> HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "-" "Synapse/1.17.0"

Jul-27 18:09:18.787 debug PgDatstore Getting room !vHIDGIDxMIsozmRnEC:domain.tld
Jul-27 18:09:18.823 debug PgDatstore No rooms found
Jul-27 18:09:18.825 debug MatrixEventHandler Got event (id, type, sender, roomtype): $8e32NEXZUwYiDMYPKs3cb-mGWYneRKGmy2lCUEqffSQ @user:domain.tld null
Jul-27 18:09:18.826 debug MatrixEventHandler Room protocol was null, we cannot handle this event!