matrix-org / matrix-ios-sdk

The Matrix SDK for iOS
Apache License 2.0
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Call not initiative - Matrix sdk #1872

Open meenakshisundaramnatarajan opened 3 months ago

meenakshisundaramnatarajan commented 3 months ago

Hi, I've created a new demo project within myself. I included the 'MatrixSDK' in my pod, and then I implemented the call functionality. Everything seems to be set up correctly. However, when I tried making a call from iOS to a web application, the call wasn't answered. Below, I've shared my code. Could you please review it and let me know your thoughts?

// // ViewController.swift // DemoAudiocall // // Created by Sundar-63336 on 06/07/24. //

import UIKit import MatrixSDK

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var mxSession: MXSession!
var call: MXCall?
var roomId: String?

@IBOutlet weak var audiobtn: UIButton!

override func viewDidLoad() {

func initialSetup() {
    let credentials = MXCredentials(homeServer: "", userId: "", accessToken: "syt_ZGluZXNoa3VtYXIuZQ_UpdiCiOwMNBCIvTXIEPs_16eMAS")

    mxSession = MXSession(matrixRestClient: MXRestClient(credentials: credentials))

    mxSession.start { [weak self] response in
        guard let self = self else { return }

        switch response {
        case .success:
            print("Matrix session started successfully")
        case .failure(let error):
            print("Failed to start Matrix session: \(error)")

func enableCallSupport() {
    mxSession.enableVoIP(with: self)
    if let callManager = mxSession.callManager {
        print("Call manager initialized successfully")
    } else {
        print("Failed to initialize call manager")

func initializeCallManager(with userId: String) {
    guard let callManager = mxSession.callManager else {
        print("Call manager is not initialized")

    if let roomId = roomId {
        // Use the existing room if it's already created
        placeCall(in: roomId, to: userId)
    } else {
        // Otherwise, create a new room and then place the call
        createRoomAndInviteUser(userId: userId) { [weak self] room in
            guard let self = self, let room = room else {
                print("Failed to create or find the room")

            self.roomId = room.roomId // Store the room ID for future use
            self.placeCall(in: room.roomId, to: userId)

func createRoomAndInviteUser(userId: String, completion: @escaping (MXRoom?) -> Void) {
       let roomCreationParameters = MXRoomCreationParameters()
       roomCreationParameters.inviteArray = [userId]

       mxSession.createRoom(parameters: roomCreationParameters) { response in
           switch response {
           case .success(let room):
               print("Room created successfully")
           case .failure(let error):
               print("Failed to create room: \(error.localizedDescription)")

func placeCall(in roomId: String, to userId: String) {
    guard let callManager = mxSession.callManager else {
        print("Call manager is not initialized")

    let isVideoCall = false

    callManager.placeCall(inRoom: roomId, withVideo: isVideoCall, success: { [weak self] call in
        guard let self = self else { return } = call
        print("Call started successfully")

    }) { error in
        if let error = error {
            print("Error placing call: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        } else {
            print("Error placing call: unknown error")

@IBAction func audiobtnTapped(_ sender: Any) {
    let userIdToCall = ""
    self.initializeCallManager(with: userIdToCall)

func setupCallDelegate() {
    call?.delegate = self


extension ViewController: MXCallDelegate,MXCallStack { func createCall() -> (any MXCallStackCall)? { guard let callManager = mxSession.callManager else { print("Call manager is not initialized") return nil }

// let roomId = "!" let roomId = roomId ?? "Nil" let isVideoCall = false

    var createdCall: MXCallStackCall?

    callManager.placeCall(inRoom: roomId, withVideo: isVideoCall, success: { (call) in
        createdCall = call as? any MXCallStackCall = call
        print("Call created successfully")
    }) { (error) in
        print("Error creating call: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Unknown error")")

    return createdCall

func call(_ call: MXCall, stateDidChange state: MXCallState, reason event: MXEvent?) {
    switch state {
    case .connecting:
    case .connected:
        print("Call connected")
        // Handle UI updates or start audio streaming
    case .ringing:
    case .ended:
        print("Call ended")
        // Handle UI updates or cleanup

func call(_ call: MXCall!, didEncounterError error: Error!) {
    print("Call error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
