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[Tech Request]: Add Vector Index QPS Performance tests to Daily Regression #15781

Closed arjunsk closed 3 weeks ago

arjunsk commented 5 months ago

Is there an existing issue for the same tech request?

Does this tech request not affect user experience?

What would you like to be added ?

Add a new regression test that tests the QPS of vector index-based queries, daily.

Why is this needed ?

We observe the QPS degradation very late for the VECTOR index as VECTOR index tests are not part of Daily Regression. We want to add this new regression test to find the recall/QPS drop early on.

Additional information

Add this to GitHub CI for running the python benchmark code

  1. Download SIFT128 data from S3 URL (s3://vector-test-data/sift.tar.gz) and unzip the file to a location.
  2. Make sure that sift_128_path in the Python program matches the location of the unzipped file.
  3. Run the program to INSERT, "CREATE INDEX" and RUN query.
Expand ```python import binascii import struct import time import numpy as np from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker table_name = "speedtest" sift_128_path = "/Users/arjunsunilkumar/Downloads/benchmark/1million128/sift/" probe = "5" topK = 100 expectedInsertDuration = 6 * 60 expectedRecall = 0.70 expectedQps = 35 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_fvecs_file(filename, c_contiguous=True): fv = np.fromfile(filename, dtype=np.float32) if fv.size == 0: return np.zeros((0, 0)) dim = fv.view(np.int32)[0] assert dim > 0 fv = fv.reshape(-1, 1 + dim) fv = fv[:, 1:] if c_contiguous: fv = np.ascontiguousarray(fv) return fv def read_ivecs_file(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: vectors = [] while True: bytes = if not bytes: break dim = struct.unpack('i', bytes)[0] vector = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=dim) vectors.append(vector) return vectors def to_db_binary(value): if value is None: return value value = np.asarray(value, dtype=' float: ground_truth_set = set(np.concatenate(ground_truth)) match = np.zeros(count) for idx, result in enumerate(got[:count]): if result in ground_truth_set: match[idx] = 1 return np.mean(match) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def runCreateTable(session): session.execute(text("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS vecdb;")) session.commit() session.execute(text("CREATE DATABASE vecdb;")) session.execute(text("USE vecdb;")) session.execute(text("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table_name + ";")) session.execute(text("CREATE TABLE " + table_name + "(id INT, vec VECF32(128));")) session.execute(text("SET GLOBAL experimental_ivf_index = 1;")) session.commit() return session def runInserts(session): sql_insert = text("INSERT INTO " + table_name + " (id, vec) VALUES (:id, cast(unhex(:data) as blob) );") vecList = read_fvecs_file(sift_128_path + "sift_base.fvecs") # convert vectors to binary binVecList = [] for i in range(0, len(vecList)): binVecList.append(to_db_binary(vecList[i])) # insert vectors start_time = time.time() for i in range(0, len(binVecList)): session.execute(sql_insert, {"id": i, "data": binVecList[i]}) if i % 1000 == 0: if time.time() - start_time > expectedInsertDuration: raise RuntimeError("Execution time exceeded " + str(expectedInsertDuration) + ". Panic and abort!") print(f"inserted {i} rows") session.commit() duration = time.time() - start_time print(f"Result: vector dim={128} vectors " f"inserted={len(binVecList)} " f"insert/second={len(binVecList) / duration} " f"duration={duration}") def runCreateIndex(session): begin = time.time() session.execute( text("CREATE INDEX idx1 using ivfflat ON " + table_name + "(vec) lists=500 op_type \"vector_l2_ops\";")) session.commit() print(f"Index creation took {time.time() - begin:.4f}s") def runSelect(session): query_vectors = read_fvecs_file(sift_128_path + 'sift_query.fvecs') expected_results = read_ivecs_file(sift_128_path + 'sift_groundtruth.ivecs') latencies, recalls = [], [] session.execute(text("SET @probe_limit=" + probe + ";")) count = 0 for i, vec in enumerate(query_vectors): # build query count += 1 input_vector_str = '[' + ','.join(map(str, vec)) + ']' select_query = text( "SELECT id FROM " + table_name + " ORDER BY l2_distance(vec, '" + input_vector_str + "') LIMIT 100;") # execute query start_time = time.perf_counter() result = session.execute(select_query) actual_result = [id for id, in result.fetchall()] expected_result = [expected_results[i].astype(np.float32)] duration = time.perf_counter() - start_time # metrics update latencies.append(duration) recall = calc_recall(topK, expected_result, actual_result) print(f"Query {i + 1} completed in {duration:.4f}s" + f" with recall: {recall:.4f}") recalls.append(recall) avg_latency = round(np.mean(latencies), 4) avg_recall = round(np.mean(recalls), 4) total_duration = round(np.sum(latencies), 4) qps = round(count / total_duration, 4) print( f"Recall: {avg_recall:.4f}, Total Duration: {total_duration:.4f}s, Avg Latency: {avg_latency:.4f}, QPS: {qps:.4f}") if avg_recall < expectedRecall: raise RuntimeError("Recall is less than " + str(expectedRecall) + ". Panic and abort!") if qps < expectedQps: raise RuntimeError("QPS is less than " + str(expectedQps) + ". Panic and abort!") def main(): try: engine = create_engine("mysql+mysqldb://root:111@") Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() runCreateTable(session) runInserts(session) runCreateIndex(session) runSelect(session) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```
arjunsk commented 5 months ago

Hi @heni02 ,

I have added 2 new tests for Vector, that could be added to Daily Regression to monitor the performance of

Please have a look. Thank you!

heni02 commented 1 month ago

vector index QPS回归流程已添加