matryer / moq

Interface mocking tool for go generate
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Failing to generate mocks on 1.13 #103

Closed johanbrandhorst closed 5 years ago

johanbrandhorst commented 5 years ago

This command works with go 1.12:

$ moq -out mocks/client.mock.go -pkg mocks ../../vendor/ ACMPCAAPI

but breaks badly with go 1.13:

$ moq -out mocks/client.mock.go -pkg mocks ../../vendor/ ACMPCAAPI
Couldn't load mock package: go [list -e -json -compiled -test=false -export=false -deps=false -find=true --]: exit status 1: build .: cannot find module for path .

moq [flags] destination interface [interface2 [interface3 [...]]]
  -out string
        output file (default stdout)
  -pkg string
        package name (default will infer)

Same version of moq in both cases, v0.0.0-20190312154309-6cfb0558e1bd, e.g., current master.

johanbrandhorst commented 5 years ago

The examples are from running go generate in There seems to be something about the aws interface that breaks it.

Agronis commented 5 years ago

I might suggest importing the interface and assigning it to a new type local to that package, it is what I am doing with the /service/s3/s3iface interface

package main

import ""

//go:generate moq -out s3_moq_test.go . MockAPI
type MockAPI = acmpcaiface.ClientAPI

Tested, and this generates with ease.

johanbrandhorst commented 5 years ago

Cool, thanks for the workaround!

fredbi commented 5 years ago

@johanbrandhorst had the same problem, but it did work with go1.13 on local dev, while repeatedly failing on CI. My guess is that the version of "" package is subtly modified (see also #98).

The problem appears specifically when using the -pkg option.

As a workaround for the "go list..." issue complaining that the mocked package is not here, I prepared an empty valid go file just for this to pass.

mkdir -p {mockpackage}
echo "package {mockpackage}" > {mockpackage}/{generated}.go
johanbrandhorst commented 5 years ago

I might suggest importing the interface and assigning it to a new type local to that package, it is what I am doing with the /service/s3/s3iface interface

package main

import ""

//go:generate moq -out s3_moq_test.go . MockAPI
type MockAPI = acmpcaiface.ClientAPI

This is unfortunately unacceptable as it changes the public API of the package. It seems I will have to keep using 1.12 for now.

pdrum commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same issue