matryer / xbar

Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)
MIT License
17.5k stars 642 forks source link

Menus with color=HEX don't change their color when selected/highlighted #782

Open CyborgSam opened 2 years ago

CyborgSam commented 2 years ago

xbar v2.1.6-beta

Highlighting selected menus and sub-menus works properly in BitBar in Big Sur, but not in xbar. When highlighted, the menu's text color should change so it's visible. If the color=HEX is removed highlighting works in xbar.

Big Sur was clean installed 2 days ago, using Light Appearance and default multi-color Accent and Highlight colors.

Is this yet another case where I missed the obvious?

BitBarXbarSubMenus BBEditCode