matryer / xbar

Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)
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dark/light toggle results in refreshing to stop #821

Open marcelja opened 2 years ago

marcelja commented 2 years ago

When I switch between dark/light mode, the bar does not refresh anymore. Example:

❯ cat               
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export PATH='/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH'


macOS version 12.2.1 xbar v2.1.7-beta

gustavoilhamorais commented 1 year ago

Was it fixed? I'm currently facing a bug, that when you toggle from dark/light, it does not update the current state, so to toggle again I have to quit XBar and reopen it.

Detailed explanation of the bug: Dark is on; Click on extension icon; Click on 'Deactivate Dark Mode' button; Light is on; The extension's text still is "Deactivate Dark Mode", while it should be "Activate Dark Mode"; Cause of that, user is not able to toggle once again; Now, to use 'toggle' function, user has to kill XBar and relaunch it; Refreshing extension has no effect; It does not affect XBar neither other extensions.