7GUIs is a GUI programming benchmark, with interesting tasks that require usage of different GUI programming techniques.
I already have a repo setup with the first few tasks done with Angular, React, Vue and Svelte.
If you also agree that these tasks provide good component examples, I can set up a PR.
It could either be it's own section, and / or replace (some) examples.
I could also just fork this project for my use, if you don't want these examples. We can also look at other benchmarks like TodoMVC, HackerNewsPWA, Rosetta Code, Flux Challenge, ThreaditJS and RealWorld App.
7GUIs is a GUI programming benchmark, with interesting tasks that require usage of different GUI programming techniques.
I already have a repo setup with the first few tasks done with Angular, React, Vue and Svelte.
If you also agree that these tasks provide good component examples, I can set up a PR. It could either be it's own section, and / or replace (some) examples.
I could also just fork this project for my use, if you don't want these examples. We can also look at other benchmarks like TodoMVC, HackerNewsPWA, Rosetta Code, Flux Challenge, ThreaditJS and RealWorld App.