First, Social Fixer is a "family saver" for me, because since around 2015 things got so bad and hateful that I pretty much left Facebook. Your extension allowed me to come back somewhat.
Meanwhile... a thought and if helpful can contribute some coding expertise (mostly a database guy) or time if it helps, that being that I wouldn't mind if the extension let everyone in my family (or a designated list of people) have all of their posts come through, plus the limit imposed by Social Fixer, sort of a code version of "select all family posts union with top XX of everybody else" order by _____ (chronological descending for me) . Could even make a split button? like show me XY more {included group} on the left, show me xy more {everybody else} on the right.
First, Social Fixer is a "family saver" for me, because since around 2015 things got so bad and hateful that I pretty much left Facebook. Your extension allowed me to come back somewhat.
Meanwhile... a thought and if helpful can contribute some coding expertise (mostly a database guy) or time if it helps, that being that I wouldn't mind if the extension let everyone in my family (or a designated list of people) have all of their posts come through, plus the limit imposed by Social Fixer, sort of a code version of "select all family posts union with top XX of everybody else" order by _____ (chronological descending for me) . Could even make a split button? like show me XY more {included group} on the left, show me xy more {everybody else} on the right.