mattacular / grunt-handlebars-compiler

Grunt.js task to precompile Handlebars.js templates with the same options as the CLI utility
MIT License
12 stars 12 forks source link

Is it possible to compile the templates individually? #7

Closed TheSisb closed 10 years ago

TheSisb commented 10 years ago

I have over 40 templates that I am conditionally loading using requirejs. I was wondering if this would allow to find all *.hbs files and compile them separately so I can only load the ones my page needs rather than all my templates in a single file.


mattacular commented 10 years ago

Hmm... I'm not sure actually. Could you share the way you've set up the task?

TheSisb commented 10 years ago

Hey thanks for responding :)

Previously I was playing with loading them all into a single templates.js file. I am now wondering if instead of specifying a dest file, I can specify a dest folder so it does a 1to1 mapping.

     * The handlebars command Task
    handlebars: {
      all: {
        options: {
          knownHelpers: ['each', 'if', 'unless'],
        files: {
          // Destination                            Source
          "htdocs/js/app/templates/templates.js": ["htdocs/jsSource/app/templates/*.hbs", "htdocs/jsSource/app/templates/**/*.hbs"]
mattacular commented 10 years ago

You can try specifying dest as a folder "htdocs/js/app/templates/" instead but I'm not sure if that will work. Another thing to try is using an expanded target:

files: [{
    expand: true,
    src: ["htdocs/jsSource/app/templates/*.hbs", "htdocs/jsSource/app/templates/**/*.hbs"],
    ext: '.hbs'

I've used that style to act on files "in place" rather than into a concatenated package before using other tasks with success. Never tried it on my own handlebars compiler plugin but this is an out-of-the-box Grunt feature extended to all multitasks as far as I know.

Let me know if that doesn't work and I can build it into the next version of the plugin.

TheSisb commented 10 years ago

The in-place style worked.

I needed to create a task to copy the files over to the dest folder, then run my handlebars task like this:

     * The handlebars command Task
    handlebars: {
      all: {
        options: {
          knownHelpers: ['each', 'if', 'unless'],
          exportAMD: true,
          pathToHandlebars: 'common/'
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          src: ["htdocs/js/app/templates/*.hbs", "htdocs/js/app/templates/**/*.hbs"],
          ext: '.hbs'

And then I run uglifyjs2 over all the files individually (slow but w/e). My watcher then continues to monitor changes and individually updates templates on change.

It would be cool if this one plugin handled the 1-to-1 compilation and move step by just providing a directory instead of a dest file, but it's no big deal. Thanks a lot for the help man, super appreciated! (Surprised this has so few stars, I use this on a huge production environment)

TheSisb commented 10 years ago

Actually, that files array also accepts a "dest" parameter.

files: [{
          expand: true,
          src: ["htdocs/jsSource/app/templates/*.hbs", "htdocs/jsSource/app/templates/**/*.hbs"],
          ext: '.hbs',
          dest: 'htdocs/js/app/templates/'

But the outcome isn't what you'd expect: It moves to the right destination folder, but it maintained the source file path / directory structure. I'm sure there's something small I'm missing here.

[EDIT] Solved!

     * The handlebars command Task
    handlebars: {
      all: {
        options: {
          knownHelpers: ['each', 'if', 'unless'],
          exportAMD: true,
          pathToHandlebars: 'common/'
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          // To enable dynamic expansion.
          cwd: 'htdocs/jsSource/app/templates/',
          // Src matches are relative to CWD.
          src: ["*.hbs", "**/*.hbs"],
          // Destination path prefix.
          dest: 'htdocs/js/app/templates/',
          // Destination file extension
          ext: '.js',