Closed AndreyDenissyuk closed 1 year ago
Have you tried setting the Id using the String 'Id' instead of the SObject Field for it?:
Id bubmId = fflib_IDGenerator.generate(BranchUnitBusinessMember.SObjectType);
BranchUnitBusinessMember bubm = (BranchUnitBusinessMember) new sfab_FabricatedSObject( BranchUnitBusinessMember.class )
.set( 'Id', bubmId )
same error
Error on line 452, column 1: sfab_FabricatedSObject.FieldDoesNotExistException: The field BranchUnitBusinessMember.Id does not exist
Class.sfab_FabricatedSObject.setDirectField: line 452, column 1
Class.sfab_FabricatedSObject.setField: line 249, column 1
Class.sfab_FabricatedSObject.set: line 129, column 1
AnonymousBlock: line 4, column 1
I have to apologise - I've looked into this, and I can't seem to set up a Scratch Org with a user that has Financial Services Cloud access that includes access to this object. Therefore I cannot replicate or test this.
If you can provide guidance on how to set that up, it would be greatly appreciated, and I can then look into the problem you're encountering.
What I have done:
Created scratch org using the following json:
"orgName": "robertbaillie company",
"edition": "Developer",
"features": ["Communities",
"settings": {
"lightningExperienceSettings": {
"enableS1DesktopEnabled": true
"securitySettings": {
"passwordPolicies": { }
"mobileSettings": {
"enableS1EncryptedStoragePref2": false
"communitiesSettings": {
"enableNetworksEnabled": true
"objectSettings": {
"account": {
"defaultRecordType": "PersonAccount"
Installed the Financial Services packages using:
sfdx force:package:install --package 04t1E000000jb9R -w 20
sfdx force:package:install --package 04t1E000001Iql5 -w 20
sfdx force:package:install --package 04t3i000000jP1g -w 20
Added the following permissions sets to the current running user:
Created a permission set with direct access to BranchUnitBusinessMember.
Assigned that permission set the current running user.
I cannot seem to create a user with any of the Financial Services Cloud licences.
No response to original request after nearly 3 months, so closing
Hello, when I run this simple code
I get this error
It happens with every field I want to add to this type of sobject, but only for BranchUnitBusinessMember, it is garanteed that this Sobject exists on my org and for sure it has fields that I try to add.