mattadlerpdx / rezcamper

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Decide on external File Data Format #24

Closed kiraoyd closed 1 year ago

kiraoyd commented 1 year ago

I just realized before we can implement anything to do with the external file, we better establish together what format we want the webscraping data for Campsites we monitor to be transformed into once we get it. That will determine what that external file looks like, and enable us to search, update and grab from it.

Since we aren't implementing a database for real, what about just having that file consist of a list of JSONs? Each having key value pairs for: campsite name, campsite dates, campsite availability per date. Once we get webscraping up and running, we could add functionality that transforms the data we get from the web into those JSON objects.

mattadlerpdx commented 1 year ago

I concur. JSON Format is best.