mattairtech / ArduinoCore-samd

This is a fork from arduino/ArduinoCore-samd on GitHub. This will be used to maintain Arduino support for SAM D|L|C (M0+ and M4F) boards including the MattairTech Xeno Mini and the MT-D21E (see It adds support for new devices like the D51, L21, C21, and D11. It also adds new clock sources, like a high speed crystal or internal oscillator.
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Feature Request: Support for SAM4L and SAME51 #25

Open SandeepanSengupta opened 5 years ago

SandeepanSengupta commented 5 years ago

Probably what I am asking for is too much to ask but it would be nice if this project can be extended to include SAM4L and SAME51. There is one easy to use micro there (ATSAM4LC4A) in TQFP48 package, perfect to solder on a home made PCB. You have already made a core for D51, so it would be great to extend it to E52 for CAN support. I was planning to make a descent board out of it but now I am stuck as there is no core or bootloader support

mattairtech commented 5 years ago

The E51 is very similar to the D51 (which in turn is similar to the D21, L21, C21, and D11 which were already supported). I have had a need for CAN as well. The next core update will include E51 support. I hope to have that done in June or July. The SAM4L has completely different peripherals and registers than the above MCUs so it will not be supported.