mattairtech / ArduinoCore-samd

This is a fork from arduino/ArduinoCore-samd on GitHub. This will be used to maintain Arduino support for SAM D|L|C (M0+ and M4F) boards including the MattairTech Xeno Mini and the MT-D21E (see It adds support for new devices like the D51, L21, C21, and D11. It also adds new clock sources, like a high speed crystal or internal oscillator.
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Support for ATSAMD11C14 #3

Closed SandeepanSengupta closed 7 years ago

SandeepanSengupta commented 7 years ago

It's not clear if your core supports AtSAMD11C14 MCU (14 pin variant). Adding it will be great.

mattairtech commented 7 years ago

I have added a new board variant to support a generic D11C14A board. It will be available along with the next core update (hopefully within a couple of weeks). Here is the planned pin mapping:

====================================== ATsamD11C14A =====================================
Other  COM   PWM  Analog  INT  Arduino*           Arduino*  INT  Analog  PWM   COM  Other
     RX2*    TCC01    *    *    5 | A5             A4 | 4    *    *     TCC00  TX2*   REF
 TX1 / MOSI  TCC02         *    8 | A8             A2 | 2    *    *                   DAC
 RX1 / SCK   TCC03         *    9 | A9            Vdd |
     SDA     TC10     *   NMI  14 | A14           Gnd |
     SCL     TC11     *    *   15 | A15           A25 | 25                    USB/DP
BOOT                           28 | A28/RST       A24 | 24                    USB/DM
SWDCLK  MISO                   30 | A30           A31 | 31   *                SS    SWDIO

* When using ONE_UART_NO_WIRE_ONE_SPI, Serial1() refers to TX2/RX2 instead of TX1/RX1.
* Tone available on TC2. TC2 is not routed to pins with the D11C14A.
SandeepanSengupta commented 7 years ago

Thank you sir, thanx a lot. Is there any way to use tone() And also do you have anything in mind for VCP-MSD/CDC-MSD composit bootloader

SandeepanSengupta commented 7 years ago

Just a quary, why not use 0-12 pin numbering for arduino as there will be a new core. Is it in conflict with something else ?

And again, thank you for making these cores, specially the one for ATSAMD21E18

mattairtech commented 7 years ago

tone() will be supported on TC2 (note that TC2 is not routed to external pins on the ATsamD11C14A). Currently, I have no plans to add CDC or VCP to the MSD bootloader (maybe if there is more interest). The user can either use sequential 0-12 pin numbering (PIN_MAP_COMPACT defined) or use numbers that correspond to the port pins (ie: A7 = Arduino pin 7; PIN_MAP_STANDARD defined). PIN_MAP_STANDARD is the default and is what is shown in the ASCII pinout above.

SandeepanSengupta commented 7 years ago

@mattairtech , is it (SAMD11C14 arduino Core) released yet ?

mattairtech commented 7 years ago

I think it will be released by next Friday, March 24.