mattarnster / radarr-uwp-app

Native Windows UWP App for viewing your Radarr library and queue
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Show loading indicators whilst movie posters are being fetched #1

Open mattarnster opened 3 years ago

mattarnster commented 3 years ago

Something nice we'd like to implement would be the use of loading indicators whilst movie posters are being fetched.

FarshanAhamed commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'd like to help you with this. Could you explain this a little more?

FarshanAhamed commented 3 years ago

While I was going through the project, I thought implementing a refresh option would be nice.


What do you think? @mattarnster

mattarnster commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'd like to help you with this. Could you explain this a little more?

Hi Farshan,

Basically, we would ideally want some kind of default poster to show before the ones being fetched from the server load in. You could either do this by adding in a new default poster image, or some kind of inside the grid item template which then switches out to the movie's image when it's been fetched.

While I was going through the project, I thought implementing a refresh option would be nice.


What do you think? @mattarnster

I'll create a new issue for this, good thinking! Instead of having the "Refresh" text though, could we use an icon from the default iconset here - probably the Refresh icon would work well.

Thanks for the help!

mattarnster commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this @FarshanAhamed, I'll be reviewing this PR this week so that you get the credit for Hacktoberfest.