mattb112885 / clusterDbAnalysis

ITEP - Integrated Toolkit for Exploration of microbial Pan-genomes
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Add gene IDs to genbank files #53

Closed mattb112885 closed 11 years ago

mattb112885 commented 11 years ago

Probably should have two scripts (which both essentially call the same function).

The first script takes an existing genbank file, makes up ITEP IDs and produces a table and a genbank file containing the same IDs as the table.

The second script takes a genbank file and a raw table containing ITEP IDs and produces a genbank file with the ITEP IDs added.

mattb112885 commented 11 years ago

Script is written. It isn't perfect (partly because of some weird inconsistency I have to figure out and partly because Biopython doesn't like long contig names so I had to implement the ability to truncate) but it does the job for now...