mattbdean / JRAW

The Java Reddit API Wrapper
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Latest proguard/R8 config? #275

Open KirkBushman opened 6 years ago

KirkBushman commented 6 years ago


Jraw fails to build a signed config with proguard, to make it work I have to use -dontobfuscate.

this is the config I'am using ( after looking at #86 )

-keep enum net.dean.jraw.models.meta.Model$Kind {
    public *;
 -keep class * implements net.dean.jraw.models.meta.JsonSerializer {
    public <init>(...);
 -keep class * extends net.dean.jraw.models.JsonModel {
    public <init>(...);

I tried to fix some errors, but I had a lot both on this lib and the android-extension (SharedPreferencesTokenStore), and they keep on coming, Can we have a definitive nad up-to-date .pro file to add to our project?

Thanks in advance