mattbierner / vscode-emojisense

Emoji Autocomplete Plugin For VSCode
MIT License
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Option to *restrict* expansion to two colons :: #16

Open jmssmth opened 5 years ago

jmssmth commented 5 years ago

Be it that I'm in markdown quite a bit during the day, and do love to utilize :emojisense: therein, I'd love to see an option be introduced that would limit snippets from firing (and even Intellisense from showing) unless two colons (::) are typed first, not just one, as is the default behavior.

Love this extension! Thanks a ton!

ian-h-chamberlain commented 6 months ago

In a similar vein, I think it would be nice to be able to swap the default behavior so that :: triggers unicode completions and : triggers markup completions. I'm not sure of the best way to make a configuration that works for both use cases, but maybe could be something like this?

    "emojisense.unicodeCompletionsEnabled": "doubleColon", // `true` and `false` keep their current behavior
    "emojisense.markupCompletionsEnabled": "singleColon",

The only thing I'm not sure of is what the behavior would be if both configurations were set to the same thing. Maybe it would mean that markup and unicode completions would just be shown together inline? Probably not a common case but maybe some people would want that as well, idk.