mattbierner / vscode-emojisense

Emoji Autocomplete Plugin For VSCode
MIT License
119 stars 9 forks source link

command 'emojisense.quickEmoji' not found #52

Open iyigunform3 opened 2 years ago

iyigunform3 commented 2 years ago

When I try to use autocomplete nothing is shown in the dropdown list. I've tried changing the settings and enabling the emojis manually as well but didn't really help.

If I use the command palette with Pick an emoji and insert in editor or click on Ctrl + I, I get this error:

command 'emojisense.quickEmoji' not found

Tried this with both with the default settings and with manually enabling the emojis on markdown files. Any ideas what could be wrong?

mattbierner commented 2 years ago

What VS Code version are you on?