mattbierner / vscode-emojisense

Emoji Autocomplete Plugin For VSCode
MIT License
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Custom tags to search by specific emojis #54

Open davidmoremad opened 2 years ago

davidmoremad commented 2 years ago

In certain repositories we usually use emojis as a system to identify "feature", "chore", "bug", "doc"... (i.e.: 🛠️ Bug in method do_something)

It would be great to be able to associate tags to certain emojis, to search for :fix: instead of :hammer_and_wrench:

Cussa commented 3 months ago

I discovered right now that there is a PR #47 that is preparing to do that. But it is stale for almost 3 years. I will check if there is any update on that, and if not, I will try to get it on the extension :)