mattblackdev / meteor-package-intellisense

Enables IntelliSense for local meteor packages by teaching VS Code where your 'meteor/package-name' imports are coming from.
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Support for monorepos or other non-typical folder structures #1

Open arggh opened 5 years ago

arggh commented 5 years ago

Currently it seems that this package tries to search for packages in ./packages folder.

Would be great, if that was configurable. Some projects consist of multiple Meteor apps that share common local Meteor packages. The folder structure could look like this:

- npm-packages /
    - custom-npm-module1
- meteor-packages /
    - custom-package1
    - custom-package2
- app1
- app2
- app3
mattblackdev commented 5 years ago

@arggh Nice! How do you feel about a vs code setting for this?

arggh commented 5 years ago

A setting would definitely work. I was also thinking, could the METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS env variable be exploited, if found? I have all my local folders containing Meteor packages listed in there.

mattblackdev commented 5 years ago

@arggh I could use a little advice on that. Would METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS be available in the vs code extension execution context? Or would it have to be something fancy like finding it in a package.json npm script or meteor settings file etc..?

arggh commented 5 years ago

I've never studied VS Code extensions, but normally in Node you access env vars via process.env.METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS.

arggh commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if this is proof regarding extensions, but at least you can access environment variables in the dev tools of VS Code:

arggh commented 5 years ago

I gave this a quick try, and without knowing much of how extensions work, I could only get access to folders inside current workspace through VS Code's APIs (which seems reasonable).

But you sure can access process.env.METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS.

mattblackdev commented 5 years ago

@arggh nice work! So around line 28 in extension.js there is the hard-coded search in packages/. But this is a vs code workspace search.

      // Find all the local package.js files inside /packages folder
/* 28 */.findFiles('packages/**/package.js')
        .then(packageFileURIs => {
/* 31 */ => {
              return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                fs.readFile(uri.fsPath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
                  if (err) {
                  } else {
                    const packagePath = vscode.workspace.asRelativePath(
                    const code = data.toString()
                    resolve({ code, packagePath })

I think to support our case it needs to be modified to do multiple normal file system searches.

Then we could join all the results and continue with the Promise.all( on line 31.

I'm also wondering if any of these ways to specify paths should override any of the others? What do you think?

arggh commented 5 years ago

You're correct, METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS can have multiple paths. I thought I'd share my PoC -branch as a starting point. It currently uses the original local packages folder and METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS (splitting the path and including all of them).

About overriding: Do you mean, if we have the same package in two different locations, which one do we use?

I guess we could rely on Meteor's loading pattern, where the local package in ./packages always comes first.

About METEOR_PACKAGE_DIRS versus a folder in the extension's configs... I'm not so sure. Maybe prefer the directory in extension's configuration as a priority, if the default config is empty.

Then, the developer knows he/she has declared an overriding configuration setting in VS Code. Does that sound reasonable?

arggh commented 2 years ago

It's been a while, but I also noticed (trying to use this extension again) that it doesn't pick up symbolic links.

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