Notices similar to the following are regularly received from AWS regarding the test account used to run integration tests:
We have identified an issue regarding your Network Load Balancer nlb-d3810e28b5e9 in the us-east-1 Region.
We noticed that the load balancer has secure (TLS) listeners in a non-functional state. The TLS listener is currently broken due to being configured with a certificate that is not supported. Network Load Balancers support RSA certificates with up to 3072-bit keys and ECDSA certificates with curves P-256, P-384, and P-521. The ARN for the configured certificate is arn:aws:iam::966509639900:server-certificate/ansible-test-nlb-d3810e28b5e9. In order to restore client connectivity, please update the load balancer listener to use a supported certificate.
You can learn more about using TLS listeners on your Network Load Balancer in our public documentation [1].
If you require further assistance, the AWS Support team is available on the Forums and through AWS Support [2].
Notices similar to the following are regularly received from AWS regarding the test account used to run integration tests:
We have identified an issue regarding your Network Load Balancer nlb-d3810e28b5e9 in the us-east-1 Region.
We noticed that the load balancer has secure (TLS) listeners in a non-functional state. The TLS listener is currently broken due to being configured with a certificate that is not supported. Network Load Balancers support RSA certificates with up to 3072-bit keys and ECDSA certificates with curves P-256, P-384, and P-521. The ARN for the configured certificate is arn:aws:iam::966509639900:server-certificate/ansible-test-nlb-d3810e28b5e9. In order to restore client connectivity, please update the load balancer listener to use a supported certificate.
You can learn more about using TLS listeners on your Network Load Balancer in our public documentation [1].
If you require further assistance, the AWS Support team is available on the Forums and through AWS Support [2].
[1] [2]