There are two additional things that make it huge:
Lodash - 550KB
TweenMax (GSAP) - 356KB - I saw it's used for tweening. Maybe it can be replaced with native phaser tweens.
Is Lodash used in the plugin? scroller_event_patcher 'lodash/forIn' is used, but few files require whole lodash (which is huge) and doesn't seem to use it. When I removed it my app kept working and bundle was a lot smaller. Is it necessary for anything?
Phaser list view on its own weights ~59KB.
There are two additional things that make it huge: Lodash - 550KB TweenMax (GSAP) - 356KB - I saw it's used for tweening. Maybe it can be replaced with native phaser tweens.
Is Lodash used in the plugin? scroller_event_patcher 'lodash/forIn' is used, but few files require whole lodash (which is huge) and doesn't seem to use it. When I removed it my app kept working and bundle was a lot smaller. Is it necessary for anything?