mattconsto / lost-the-game

Deserted. Created in 48 hours as part of the Global Game Jam 2015.
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Inventory #41

Open mikejewell opened 9 years ago

mikejewell commented 9 years ago

What do people think of the current global inventory? Should we have a per-agent one, to encourage them moving around the map more? A few pros and cons:



agjlewis commented 9 years ago

Alternatively how about some form of encampment system where when you get near a hut everything gets dropped off and you go there to do stuff. (This could make it a bit more realistic as everyone wouldnt be walking around with everything)

steppers commented 9 years ago

That Sounds like a good idea! Maybe even have different huts for various purposes. (Sleep, Recovery, Storage etc.)

mikejewell commented 9 years ago

How about an upgrade approach:

5 mud blocks == storage Add cloth+planks == storage + beds Add metal == reinforced shelter (as I'm sure it would attract enemies)

mikejewell commented 9 years ago

We'll need to decide how to handle corpses still - guess the easiest is that you pick the corpse up, as well as all the inventory?

(perhaps enemies would be attracted to corpses too? :)

steppers commented 9 years ago

Enemies should be attracted to corpses and light (campfire, held torches). Walls need to be added at some point to add to the defence. The upgrade system sounds like it could work well, we could change the sprite and make it bigger, so i could probably add a system to allow interaction with sprites from a small distance.

mikejewell commented 9 years ago

We do have rocks in the game - so rocks/metal can add walls/spikes to the structure. So you can have a basic mud hut or shelter; rocks add to the defence, metal adds to the offence. Defence means it takes longer for the enemies to get in, offence results in them taking damage while trying to do so?

I also like the idea of traps: spike traps would be easy, plus we have oil, fire, etc.

agjlewis commented 9 years ago

Also ace !