mattdesl / budo

:clapper: a dev server for rapid prototyping
MIT License
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budo and heroku #174

Open rimager opened 8 years ago

rimager commented 8 years ago

Can I deploy budo to heroku?

Here is my package.json

"scripts": {
    "start": "budo index.js --serve=bundle.js",
    "test": "eslint --no-eslintrc -c .eslintrc index.js",
    "build" : "browserify index.js | uglifyjs -c -m > bundle.js"
pinn3 commented 8 years ago

Yes you can, but it's not recommended as budo is a development server, not intended for production. It watches and builds your files, then serves the built bundle. Whenever you deploy your app to Heroku, the service will restart anyways and therefor the watch functionality wont serve any purpose.

Also, if you only want to serve a static page, then Heroku might be a bit overkill. I suggest that you build the the bundle with your build-script, and then deploy it on a static web server, such as surge.