mattdesl / budo

:clapper: a dev server for rapid prototyping
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Save bundle to file for devtools life reload #217

Closed jbraekr closed 6 years ago

jbraekr commented 7 years ago

Chrome dev tools have their own editor with life reload. That works also with external files, if they are associated with a file on the file system. So saving a file with an ide triggers chromes inbuild life reload. If budo would save its bundle, it could be associated and chrome could use its own life-reload.

Chrome life-reloads functions, keeping all data and stack intact. Which is sometimes usefull. Break at a regex and fiddle with it with the current data.

mattdesl commented 6 years ago

That's a pretty cool idea, I will test it out.

mattdesl commented 6 years ago

I tested this out and it's OK, but has a few major issues:

You can achieve it with a very minimal node.js script on top of budo:

mattdesl commented 6 years ago

Going to close since I think this issue is mostly resolved.